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Israeli mistake WEB BOT hit?

31 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 2 days ago
israel. Israeli firm which secured Japan nuclear plant says workers there ' putting their lives on the line' Magna CEO says Japanese workers ...


Because it linked Israel to the Fukushima disaster,

it also showed the progression of Israeli attacks on nuclear reactors and that Clif High of Web Bot had clearly predicted that the "ill winds" was caused by an "Israeli mistake" of an "attack on Iran's nuclear reactor".

1. Israel routinely threatens all nations with her nuclear weapons, even though she denies that she has nukes:

Israeli Professor:’We Could Destroy All European Capitals’ | NowPublic News Coverage

2.  Israel attacked and destroyed the Iraqi Osirak reactor on June 7th, 1981 (

3.  Israel attacks and destroys the World Trade Center on 9112001  (

4.  Israel attacks and destroys Syrian nuclear site on September 6, 2007 (

5.  Israel attacks Iran's nuclear reactor in 2010 with the Stuxnet virus (

wikipedia:  "Different variants of Stuxnet targeted five Iranian organisations,[9] with the probable target widely suspected to be uranium enrichment infrastructure in Iran;[10][11] Symantec noted in August 2010 that 60% of the infected computers worldwide were in Iran."

Stuxnet code has hidden clue:

6.  that an Israeli Security Company Magna (started by chief of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency, Meir Dagan?).  Magna was at the Fukushima site one year prior and was present at the time of the tsunami.  (Just like 9112001, the tsunami disaster was cover for the destruction of the nuclear reactors, just like 911 the hydrogen explanation for the explosion was arrived to soon and proved incorrect and thus indicates an ongoing psyop)

Does this look like a hydrogen explosion?  Why would hydrogen explode and not just vent?

Godzilla (collective unconscience monster menace of the Japanese) = Jew God = Jewish supremacy destroying the planet

March 22, 2011