Former Rep. Jim Traficant - Israel Controls the United States Congress
JIM TRAFICANT exclusive Interview with PROJECT CAMELOT . Courageous former Congressman James Traficant, was railroaded and imprisoned for seven years after a tax battle with the IRS. Jim Traficant is a Hero, Remember his name and remember he sacrificed his political life for America, he could have played the game like a big baller but he chose righteousness , he is in a tight financial situation but with all the blessings he will be back in the government one day as WE NEED GUYS LIKE HIM, please support him. The sad part of our history is what the Zionists have done in this 21st century, they were given a chance in total freedom with a land to settle in and instead of making a contribution of helping making the world a better place they fueled hatred fire & blood & chaos every where including in the USA, makes me wonder how our creator the Lord of the universe, The most High will judge them, makes we wonder how they expect others to see & treat them, there is one thing that they can never change despite all the control they have on the medias & government,, what people all over the world will feel about them, they had a unique chance in their history as free people that was blown and this will never change the opinion of the rest of the world on them till the end of time
It wasn't easy, finding Jim Traficant. Without the help of the American Free Press, (AFP), we never would have found him. Traficant of Youngstown Ohio was running for his old Congressional seat. What sort of campaign could he be running? After all, we'd seen the Greta von Susteren Fox News interview (Sept. 9, 2009, just a few days after Traficant was released from prison). Here's some of what Traficant had said, "I believe that Israel has a powerful strangle hold on the American government. They control...the House and Senate. They have us involved in wars of which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars, and if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don't beat you at the polls, they'll put you in prison... It's an objective assessment that no one will have the courage to speak about. They're controlling much of our foreign policy. They're influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as Under Secretary of Defense manipulated President Bush #2 back into Iraq. They pushed definitely, definitely to try and get Bush, before he left, to move into Iran. We're conducting expansionist policy of Israel and everybody's afraid to say it. They control much of the media..." WAS IT POSSIBLE somewhere in Ohio someone could say such things and not be ostracized, denounced, trounced? Actually, no. There really was no campaign. Few in the political business dared have anything to do with him, donate to him, invite him, quote him. Only a maverick Tea Party organizer offered him an evening campaign event. Otherwise, the popular sheriff and then Congressman was pretty much shunned. And yet he came in a close third on Nov.2, 2010, with over 30,000 votes.