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FBI partially declassified files linking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to nuclear technology smuggling ring that targeted US

From Alex James

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July 29, 2012


As usual, Zionists get away with everything!


"It's no wonder that Truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make Sense!".

--Mark Twain

Subject: FBI partially declassified files linking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to nuclear technology smuggling ring that targeted US: "US Media Ignore Netanyahu Nuclear Smuggling Files" Major News Release - IRmep


Interesting,.... and how did our media get to this low point?


In 2001, when George Worthless Bush assumed the Presidency of the United States, to which he was appointed by the Supreme Court following his loss of the 2000 election, most of the US media was owned and operationally controlled by some SIXTY corporations.


When Worthless left office with a 25% approval rating in 2009, following his 8-year recklessly irresponsible corporate deregulation spree, most of the US media was owned and operationally controlled by only SIXcorporations, one of them a major US defense contractor, and all of them loyal contributors to and supporters of the GOP, at least sympathetic to Zionism, if not fully committed to Zionist policies and goals.


While the US media is studiously ignoring documentary evidence of Neanderthal Netanyahu's international criminal axtivities, it's impossible to avoid the full++ coverage the same media is giving to Worthless Mutt Romney's current Israel itinerary including his declared pre-approval of an Israeli pre-emptive military strike against Iran, should one be made, regardless of its illegality under international law.


With only a few notable exceptions, I have little or no faith and trust in US mainstream media and seldom use it as a source except to illustrate its absolute lack of impartiality, fairness and balance in its coverage of the news.


Compared to mos European and Asian media in general and the growing number of independent, honest and reliable online news and information sources, much of the US media is shabby, an insult to intelligent people and a disgracde to America.  ~

----- Original Message -----


Sent:Sunday, July 29, 2012 11:41 AM

Subject:"US Media Ignore Netanyahu Nuclear Smuggling Files" Major News Release - IRmep



Subject: "US Media Ignore Netanyahu Nuclear Smuggling Files" Major News Release - IRmep


WASHINGTON, July 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

The FBI partially declassified and released files linking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a nuclear technology smuggling ring that targeted the United States.  The declassified files are now publicly available online at

FBI agents interviewed indicted American smuggler Richard Kelly Smyth on April 16-17, 2002, at the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles. The secret interview report details how during trips to Israel  Smyth's handler placed him in contact with Benjamin Netanyahu at Heli Trading Company. The FBI report suggests that "Smyth and [Netanyahu] would meet in restaurants in Tel Aviv and in [Netanyahu's] home and/or business. It was not uncommon for [Netanyahu] to ask Smyth for unclassified material."

Smyth was indicted in the mid-1980s for smuggling 800 dual use "krytrons" without proper export licenses through a multi-front company network.  Smyth fled the U.S. and lived abroad, supported by unknown means, until he was captured by Interpol and returned to the U.S. in 2001.  He was convicted in 2002.

During the 2002 Smyth counterintelligence debriefing, the FBI learned that the Israeli Ministry of Defense ordered and paid an Israeli company called Heli Trading for krytrons.   Heli in turn sourced them from California-based MILCO in a clandestine operation codenamed "Project Pinto." The report reveals how MILCO illegally shipped other prohibited military articles under general Commerce Department export licenses rather than smuggling them out via Israeli diplomatic pouches.

Released on the Internet on July 4, 2012, the files have been the subject of reporting in the Israeli press, including Israeli National News, Ma'ariv and The Marker.  Some U.S. alternative media also explored the implications of the formerly secret files including, Tikkun Olam,  Mondoweiss and CounterPunch.  WBAI radio and the Scott Horton Show have hosted interviews.

Although the FBI report has now been sent to the New York Times, Washington Post, all members of Congress and United Nations members, no top-tier establishment news coverage, Congressional or UN investigations have been made public.  On Friday, National Public Radio syndicated host Diane Rehm immediately disconnected IRmep Research Director Grant F. Smith when he asked her reporter roundtable to assess the implications of the Netanyahu espionage ring.  An audio clip of the brief exchange is available at:

IRmep is a private nonprofit that studies how warranted law enforcement and civil action can improve U.S. Middle East policy.


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