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Mossad Death Squads Behind Sandy Hook and Aurora Shootings in a Plot to Disarm America
Daily Paul Liberty Forum
Dec. 22, 2012
It is well-known that Israeli moles commonly commit murder against children. In Gaza their murder of children is routine, while, previously, in Palestine, as in Deir Yassin, Zionist thugs, notably the Stern and Irgun gangs, not only murdered the children but also tortured them, including cutting off their genitals while they were still alive. The arch-criminals also cut open pregnant women, and then butchered their fetuses with knives. It was all done for effect, to create fear in the hearts of the people in order to drive them off their land.
In Lebanon over the decades they have slaughtered countless thousands of the innocent: infants, pregnant women, and children. They even beheaded numerous children, even cutting the eyes out of the sockets of living people. All this is done to instill great fear in order to achieve their wicked aims.
The scope of Zionist treachery can be seen here:
No one knows how many children have been killed through the Zionist-installed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet, surely, this numbers in the tens of thousands. It is these perpetrators who also murdered children through Operation Gladio, where European babies and children were blown to bits. It is all now completely proven to have been the Mossad. In the Aurora theater massacre an infant was shot by a skilled gunman and a six-year-old killed, not by James Holmes but, rather, by an Israeli mercenary. See more about the obvious innocence of Holmes here:
Only the Zionist perpetrators commend the killing of children as an appreciable act. No other group does so, not even the vilest of dictators. Thus, in any act where children are specifically targeted the various Zionist operatives must be suspected. Moreover, why not? The Israelis have the judiciary under their control as well as law enforcement. If they are caught, as they were on 9-11, they’ll just be let go. After all, it would be too much of a scandal to admit that it is all a hoax and that these terror acts were orchestrated.
Only the Mossad operates internationally placed hit squads, the purpose of which is to murder its enemies or even to commit generalized terror acts, if it suits the Zionist cause. In the United States these hit or, rather, death squads operate freely, even in coordination with ‘law enforcement.’ The Israeli regime has even bragged that it has in place assassination squads, the purpose of which is to kill its enemies, right in this country.
Rabbinical endorsement
Would Zionists moles even blink at the thought of murdering a school room full of children? According to their own dictates if it served their greedy aims there would be no hesitation. After all, it was this criminal cabal which published in 2009 a manual for murdering so-called gentiles, among others, the Torat Ha’Melech or King’s Torah by Yitzak Shapiro. In this book it is said, “Non-Jews are “uncompassionate by nature.” Thus, they can be routinely murdered, incredibly, in order to “curb their evil inclination.” It is as if saying, so note these rabid Zionists, that such people have no right to even exist. The book further notes that “If we kill a gentile who has violated one of the seven commandments…there is nothing wrong with the murder, “ adding that any such killing is justified, including the wanton murder of children, even infants—just like they did in Dier Yassin and more. That’s because according to the Zionist code there is a need to purge gentiles from the face of the earth “if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us…” Therefore, the rabbis command that “in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately and not only during combat with adults.”
The book, highly popular in the Zionist strip, is having its effect. Essentially, it endorses the wanton murder of the people of America. According to Ha’aretz it is heavily read and has received “wide dissemination and the enthusiastic endorsement of prominent rabbis.” Primarily an extraction from the Talmud the book has as its focus essentially extermination. Gentiles “may be killed” without remorse or consequence is apparently its motto. In doing so even authorities like Maimonides are quoted literally, saying it is an acceptable practice to kill Christians, who are known as “idolaters,” essentially saying if they can’t be turned away from their religion, “kill them.” Young Jews are taught to interpret these words as mandates, as literal law from their highest authorities, the Talmud and Zohar.
So, this Israeli best seller repeatedly gives justification for murdering anyone who could even conceivably pose a danger to the Jewish race. This is the vilest fanaticism conceivable, that people of all walks of life can be murdered “preventively,” as long as they are not Jews, although Jews, too, can be murdered if they are opposed to the Zionist plan. Babies are specifically targeted. According to Shapiro babies may be regarded as “hindrances.” Thus, they can be routinely murdered, without conscience, “because their presence aids murder,”—because by their very existence they pose a threat. It is all under the “justification” that, one day, the non-Jewish baby could become an enemy to the Jewish state. How sick: yet, encoded into religious doctrine for Israelis such thinking has become the norm.
Not the first time
So, with the death squads in place could the Mossad be the perpetrators behind two of the most recent killing sprees, Aurora and Newtown, where children were murdered? It would be the primary suspect. After all, Israeli terrorists were behind, as noted by J. Fetzer in his article Mossad Death Squads Slaughtered American Children at Sandy Hook, quoting Veterans Today’s Mark Harris that this follows exclusively the Mossad pattern. These two men have published bravely that the accusations against Mr. Lanza make no sense and that the discrepancies prove the plot.
It is the same tactic behind the Mossad-orchestrated mass murder in Norway, where 77 children were slaughtered. This was punishment by Israeli fanatics for the country’s endorsement of the Palestinian cause. Now, it is America’s turn. Notes Harris, “This is exactly what Israel did in Norway; the political party that voted sanctions against Israel was retaliated against by a ‘lone gunman’ who killed 77 children.”
In Aurora the likely Mossad role, along with, in contrast, the non-role of James Holmes has been thoroughly demonstrated in a lengthy assessment seen here. Put simply, there is no way that Mr. Holmes did any shooting. Regarding Sandy Hook the Mossad’s hands are all over it as seen by the deliberate nature of the plot. Furthermore, it is impossible that this could be a hit by a single person. In fact, it is unlikely that he participated in the least.
What likely did occur was that, like Holmes, the accused, Adam Lanza, was pre-selected as a patsy. Shot in the face, his mother was murdered in advance. There was no allowance for another James Holmes scenario to be permitted, where the mother was still alive to dispute the allegations. Then, too, there is the report that the home computer used by this pitiful autistic youth was smashed to oblivion with a “hammer and screwdriver.” That’s a crime scene to hide any disputing evidence, another brutal, premeditated act by the Mossad.
Clearly, there is no way this delicate, shy person could have committed these acts. This was done solely by professionals. Even so, the real evidence against any role of the young Lanza is this: is there even a single person who saw this young man shoot and kill anyone? He was obviously not a marksman; he had no history of carrying or handling such a vast arsenal of firearms plus plenty of ammunition to ensure a high degree of slaughter. Yet, nearly every victim was killed with multiple gunshots, with only a very few wounded and who survived? Twenty-seven killed, only one or two wounded? It was way too surgically precise for merely a random act.
Anonymous sources are irrelevant. When the Zionist-controlled media spouts its devious claims, a person must pay close attention. Whenever it says “a source” it should be disregarded, especially if the line continues with, for instance, “who wishes to remain anonymous.” There is also “anonymous law enforcement sources” or “according to AP (Rothschild) News”: all such statements must be held suspect until proven otherwise.
The only legitimate sources are actual eyewitnesses or people involved in the investigation, who can be named or who name themselves when giving reports, like the coroner, H. Wayne Carver, M.D. That’s a source worth considering.
Yet, what did the coroner say? He essentially disputed all that the Zionist perpetrators reported as a fraud. Repeatedly, it was reported, near Lanza there were two weapons, both handguns. To reiterate based upon repeated reports no other gun was found in the building. Yet, according to Carver in every case thus far autopsied the victims were shot with an assault rifle, purportedly a Bushmaster.223 caliber.
Nancy Lanza was also shot exclusively with a rife, point-blank in the face multiple times, according to Carver. Then, it is reported; he drove to the school, broke in by smashing a window, and started blasting away with a rifle, even though it was “in the car.” What did he do, kill everyone with that rifle, never using the handguns, and, then, go outside to put it in the car for safe-keeping? Then, what did he do, go back into the school and shoot himself with a pistol? Truly, the people are expected to believe this, but this is inane.
Lanza not the shooter, not capable
Repeatedly, the Zionist-orchestrated media has proclaimed that this man had the capacity to do it, that he had experience firing such weapons, going to the shooting range with his mother. This has been debunked by the ATF as false. According to Ginger Colbrun, spokeswoman for the ATF “there is no evidence Lanza was involved in gun clubs or had trained for the shooting.” This lie was told to account for the obvious lack of ability of Mr. Lanza to kill anyone. Critically, the Zionist media had lied once again.
Yet, could this cabal be even more deeply involved than mere lying? According to one Internet surfer there was a media announcement, which if proven true, demonstrates complicity. As reported by an Internet blogger one woman, from Nebraska, while looking at her Facebook site, was hitting various links, when the untenable occurred. Aware of the time, when she collapsed the chat, a Breaking News item came on Facebook with a ticker, saying “Gunman, possibly two, in the Sandy Hook school.” That was at 9:23 a.m. EST. Later, she learned that, officially, the shooting began well after that, certainly after 9:30 a.m. She stated, categorically, that she knew the exact time.
Regardless, where is the gun responsible for the killings? The coroner said that all deaths were caused by a long gun firing .223 bullets; however, while the casings are spread everywhere, the gun is nowhere to be found. The police have surely not shown such a gun to the media as evidence, which is typically done in other investigations. Nevertheless, obviously the murders were committed by sharpshooters, not the shy and physically frail Lanza. These sharpshooters broke and blasted their way into the locked school. There is no way Lanza could achieve this. Again, why isn’t the weapon shown, and why is it that no one identified him as the shooter or even carrying this gun?
Yet, is it even plausible that the official story is correct about Lanza murdering the children and then killing himself? Doubt concerning this is surely reinforced by statements made by the state’s Governor, Dannel Mally, who told ABC News that Lanza shot himself when he realized he was cornered, that is he ‘shot himself as police entered the building.’ Yet, did anyone see him kill himself? Rather, Mally said law enforcement “surmised” this. Here is the exact quote, speaking on ABC’s “This Week:”
“We surmise that it was during the second classroom episode that he heard responders coming and apparently at that, decided to take his own life,” Malloy said
That is a strong supposition without a single witness and despite the fact that any suicide or murder is investigated carefully before the cause is proposed.
That school was carefully selected. In that small town there would be little to no resistance. The principle was a woman, as were most of the teachers; there were no match for the well positioned hit men who could eliminate any resisters. All six adults who were killed at the school were women. There simply was no scrutiny, so it was the perfect site. Plus, there were the woods in the back for a ready escape. Through Homeland Security drills earlier in the year the Mossad had scouted it out well in advance. It all went according to plan.
Terrorists in action
After breaking into the building the Mossad agents went to work. They needed a major kill for shock effect. “Kill the children. That’s how we’ll get the people’s attention,” was their essential scheme. They needed kills in a considerable number. The Aurora bloodbath wasn’t sufficient, a bunch of people in a movie theater. It didn’t create the necessary horror and outrage to achieve the. There needed to be something more dramatic. It needed to create far more shock. What better way to achieve this than to assassinate children?
Moreover, to disguise the plot the less victims who survive the better, therefore the need for crack marksmen. According to Carver some of these tiny ones were killed point-blank, others with as many as 11 bullets pumped into their bodies. The Mossad took no chances, making sure there were no witnesses. In fact, despite the countless people in that school no one has yet said, “I saw so-and-so doing the shooting,” and that includes Adam Lanza. Nor did anyone see Mr. Lanza shoot his mother. Yet, he has been judged as doing so by none other than the Zionist-orchestrated media itself.
Zionist fanatics have published multiple documents which have left a great trail, including their King Torah which authorizes the killing of America’s children. It is a document which endorses the killing of Americans, if they threaten the Zionist realm. It’s a deliberate trail that leads exclusively to them when murderous plots are committed. No other group has authorized such killing. They have the key motive for this crime, knowing that they are losing control over the American people. Increasingly, brave Americans have exposed the Zionist hierarchy for what it really is: a cabal of murderous thugs. In doing so they have brought down upon themselves their murderous rage, well said by GOP campaign finance chairman Michael Harris, specifying Sandy Hook as a “terrorist attack” amounting to “Israeli revenge.”
With Obama in place as the anti-constitutional stooge there is only one remnant of Zionist revenge left: to take away America’s guns. Then, these perpetrators of evil can kill Americans whenever and wherever they want, without resistance. Thus, that standard cast of characters, Feinstein, Bloomberg, Waxman, and more, are relentlessly calling for real action against gun rights. It’s not the guns. It’s the fact is they hate Americans that is the source of this violence, even as they bleed them to death.
They are all our children, all these innocent ones who have been murdered in this land or in the land of another—in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, and more. Abdel-Rahman Awlaaki was one of our children when he was murdered by Obama through a drone strike. What kind of youth was he? According to his Facebook page it “shows he was a typical kid.” So, how can Obama expect anyone to believe his cries for the children when he simultaneously kills them? Who can believe any crocodile tears from the man behind the drone war, with nearly 100 children blown to bits in Pakistan alone? Then, too, is this not the man who also authorized that illicit transfer of American-held weapons to Mexican gangs, the so-called “Fast & Furious?” This, too, is a Zionist plot to destabilize America, the illicit, murderous weapons transfer to Mexican thugs leading directly back through Anthony Holder, Lanny Breuer, and Jason Weinstein to the President himself.
Fast & Furious isn’t in the news in the United States. However, it sure is in Mexico:
Sunday, Univision, the Spanish language television network, ran a program showing the faces and stories of dozens of people who have been killed in Mexico with guns the Obama administration supplied to Mexican drug gangs. One Mexican interviewed summed up the theme: “Americans aren’t moved by pain beyond their border, only with their own.
No one can believe such a person who hypocritically touts “gun control” after creating precisely the uncontrolled flow of guns, leading to mass murder. The scope of the plot is clear: the Zionist criminals are orchestrating a gun grab, and the Sandy Hook murders are the key element of that orchestration (see the brazen tactics of the Zionist scheme hear, as orchestrated by the Jewish-owned New York Daily News: This makes it even more abundantly clear that the Mossad and its collaborators were behind this all along. Moreover, if the police continue to hold to the lone shooter without revealing the scheming involvement the Zionist cabal, then they, too, are part of the plot.
They really are all our children, these thousands of innocents all over the world who have been murdered under Obama’s reign by American-made weapons. The Mossad, along with Mr. Obama, is accountable for them all.
Note: credit belongs to those countless brave Americans, including Mark Harris, James Fetzer, and Rick Adams, who have refused to succumb to the Zionist lies and have revealed the truth about these massacres. Moreover, to the police, where are those murderous persons of interest. Do not do the same as the last time after 9-11 and deport them to the Israeli entity. Put them on trail, and help the American people put an end to this tyranny, for the sake of all humankind.
Read more:
Reuters) - Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee's call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.
U.N. delegates and gun control activists have complained that talks collapsed in July largely because Obama feared attacks from Republican rival Mitt Romney if his administration was seen as supporting the pact, a charge Washington denies.
The month-long talks at U.N. headquarters broke off after the United States - along with Russia and other major arms producers - said it had problems with the draft treaty and asked for more time.
But the U.N. General Assembly's disarmament committee moved quickly after Obama's win to approve a resolution calling for a new round of talks March 18-28. It passed with 157 votes in favor, none against and 18 abstentions.
U.N. diplomats said the vote had been expected before Tuesday's U.S. presidential election but was delayed due to Superstorm Sandy, which caused a three-day closure of the United Nations last week.
An official at the U.S. mission said Washington's objectives have not changed.
"We seek a treaty that contributes to international security by fighting illicit arms trafficking and proliferation, protects the sovereign right of states to conduct legitimate arms trade, and meets the concerns that we have been articulating throughout," the official said.
"We will not accept any treaty that infringes on the constitutional rights of our citizens to bear arms," he said.
U.S. officials have acknowledged privately that the treaty under discussion would have no effect on domestic gun sales and ownership because it would apply only to exports.
The main reason the arms trade talks are taking place at all is that the United States - the world's biggest arms trader accounting for more than 40 percent of global conventional arms transfers - reversed U.S. policy on the issue after Obama was first elected and decided in 2009 to support a treaty.
Countries that abstained included Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Belarus, Cuba and Iran. China, a major arms producer that has traditionally abstained, voted in favor.
Among the top six arms-exporting nations, Russia cast the only abstention. Britain, France and Germany joined China and the United States in support of the resolution.
The measure now goes to the 193-nation General Assembly for a formal vote. It is expected to pass.
The resolution said countries are "determined to build on the progress made to date towards the adoption of a strong, balanced and effective Arms Trade Treaty."
Jeff Abramson, director of Control Arms, a coalition of advocacy groups, urged states to agree on stringent provisions.
"In Syria, we have seen the death toll rise well over 30,000, with weapons and ammunition pouring in the country for months now," he said. "We need a treaty that will set tough rules to control the arms trade, that will save lives and truly make the world a better place."
Brian Wood of Amnesty International said: "After today's resounding vote, if the larger arms trading countries show real political will in the negotiations, we're only months away from securing a new global deal that has the potential to stop weapons reaching those who seriously abuse human rights."
The treaty would require states to make respecting human rights a criterion for allowing arms exports.
Britain's U.N. mission said on its Twitter feed it hoped that the March negotiations would yield the final text of a treaty. Such a pact would then need to be ratified by the individual signatories before it could enter into force.
The National Rifle Association, the powerful U.S. interest group, strongly opposes the arms treaty and had endorsed Romney.
The United States has denied it sought to delay negotiations for political reasons, saying it had genuine problems with the draft as written.