Nuclear Strikes! Israel’s Nuked Syria (Homs) A Fourth Time! Enhanced Davy Crockett W54 Warhead Strikes Again! Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons via U.S. Department of Defense
Nuclear strikes against Syria, three in total, were the shocking subject of my last post, which is where readers will find the considerable backstory of what should’ve been the instant subjects of global coverage and discussion by all media, to include social networks. You see, Israel could’ve initiated World War III with its unprecedented nuclear strikes, the first since the U.S. nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in the context of World War II.
JKI has learned that the post outing Israel’s carefully hidden nuclear strikes against Syria has caused quite a major blast of its own. While details are so sensitive they can’t be revealed, it’s safe to state that not only have key political-military circles in multiple nations been in upheaval as a result, but there have been and continue to be all sorts of extraordinary repercussions. What is clear is that for whatever reason or reasons, an apparent headlong rush to outright superpower military involvement over Syria has now had the brakes strongly applied. From several ends.
But now, via highly sensitive military/intelligence contacts, there’s confirmation of scary new claims made in several YouTube™ videos: Israel nuked Homs, Syria! The date? August 1st, 2013. The target? Yet another Arab nuclear reactor, the latest in a list of reactors destroyed by Israel in a singleminded, no-holds-barred, implacable determination to never let there be A Muslim A-Bomb in the Middle East. As you can see in the video, the primary detonation is immense, the nuclear fireball clearly evident and the characteristic towering mushroom cloud impossible to miss. It should be, for you’re looking at a 5-6 KT (kiloton, 1000 tons of TNT equivalent) detonation, roughly half of the yield (15 KT) of the A-Bombs used to attack Japan.
Mind, Israel a) won’t acknowledge its own considerable nuclear arsenal (100+ Israeli-produced weapons and 20+ stolen, enhanced Davy Crockett warheads) and b) wouldn’t part with it even were it to acknowledge its existence. That it exists is indisputable, for Mordechai Vanunu, a nuclear technician who worked inside Israel’s nuclear weapon building facility beneath the Dimona reactor complex in Israel’s Negev Desert, not only outed the facility’s existence, but provided pictures! BBC covered the practically surreal story in an hour-long 2007 documentary.
Nuclear Strikes! The Homs Attack
The three prior nuclear strikes, covered in the above JKI post, were made using ripped off highly enhanced Davy Crockett W54 nuclear warheads (originally 10-20 ton yield; now 5-6 KT) delivered by stolen PGM-19 Jupiter MRBMs (Medium Range Ballistic Missiles), but highly cleared insider sources say this one came in an IAF (Israeli Air Force) airstrike consisting of three planes. The aircraft type wasn’t given, but strong suspicion exists in informed circles that the planes mimicked Arab aircraft from countries friendly to Syria. Helps in getting through the dense, modern air defenses! According to those in the know, the Homs Reactor integrated air defense systems were “the best Russia has to offer” as far as export models.
The attack consisted of a low air burst, which reportedly not only obliterated the Homs Reactor, but wiped out the surrounding radar and missile complexes. Fortunately, though the video makes it appear, because of the vantage point from which it was shot, the attack landed smack in Homs. In truth, it hit outside of the city proper.
Off to the (Mythical) JKI Bunker!
Considering the reaction the first post generated, this new one is deemed likely to generate more outrage, angst and various internal and external upsets for the interested parties. But when the stakes are regional and maybe global nuclear conflagration, such risks must be taken–with or without a nearby bunker!