Jim Stone
In a total breakdown of law, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, a Jewish attorney, has successfully triggered a judgement by the U.S. district court (which is totally overrun by corrupt Jewish judges) which will allow the seizure of Iran's internet assets via theft of their national .ir web designation.
Here is what really happened to provide a precedent for this: The Israeli Mossad, in the name of Iran, staged a large number of rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza, which gave Israel the "right" to inflict hundreds of billions of dollars of damage against Palestine in the form of bulldozings and murder campaigns, and as a bonus, provided a front from which a lawsuit could be launched against Iran to steal their assets. Since ICANN, which regulates the web is in America, this theft can be enforced via this court order.
This signals an entirely new era of Jewish corruption, if they get away with this I cannot possibly see how the web around the world will survive. There will HAVE TO be a hot war over something like this.
You cannot have a stable world which is so web dependent being subjected to bogus judgements such as this. Into the mix as part of the settlement was the enforced factthat Iran did 911 and now has to pay reparations. Yet obviously no mention of Urban Moving systems was made, and the fact that Larry Silverstein himself had explosives planted in building 7 to bring it down, and himself gave the order to do so. The fact that Iran was judged responsible for 911 proves corruption at the highest levels of the American government, where Kikedom is living an orgy of deception and injustice. Now either the Jewish community or Israel can attack anyone they want, blame someone else, and then destroy whoever they blamed in the court system. It cannot get any worse than this.
This judgement against Iran is so unjust it amounts to an act of war or a mugging by a crack head, and it is STUNNING NEWS that is NOT BEING REPORTED IN THE MSM.
This cannot and will not be reported in the MSM despite it being earth shatterning news simply because too many people out there know Iran is completely innocent. This means that this court proceeding has to proceed in secrecy the same way antidepressant damage and tainted vaccines are totally not allowed in the press, as is the real truth about Fukushima, nuclear blackmail, and the Japan earthquake. The only way the Jews can get away with a crime this big is to keep it buried entirely. You cannot even find this on Google unless you use specific quotes and names, which means it WILL be buried.
And I do not believe for a minute that Nitsana Darshan-Leitner believes her case is real, she simply knew she had a corrupt judge available and WENT FOR IT for Israel. And one thing I have learned about thieves is once they discover they can get away with stealing, the thefts increase until they wreak total destruction on the innocent. This could be the end of the web and the end of all pretend global stability, who is next?