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The Mass Grave Called Canada: Stopping Our Domestic War Crims

Hidden From Hisory

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Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 20:28:33 -0400

Subject: This Sunday on Radio Free Kanata: The Mass Grave called Canada (please post)




This week on Radio Free Kanata:
The Mass Grave called Canada: Stopping our Domestic War Crimes
Sunday, April 12, 3 pm pacific/6 pm eastern
Hosts Kevin Annett and Ryan gable, and commentator Dean Clifford, will examine the hard evidence of crimes against humanity committed in Canada, and the campaign to arrest convicted war criminals under the authority of the new Republic.
Updates from around the Nation, and from the west coast Grand Jury investigation into child trafficking, will be included.
Tune in and become part of history, this Sunday.
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