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Signal Controls Noise, Resolve the Deep State Rebellion.

Charles Miller

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Substance always controls Style.


The monograph below relate Signal to Substance which are always Principles, Facts, Law served by Procedure. Noise is equated to style which is the Derivative of Substance tortured by the perverted agenda based on theft of Substance.

Signal Controls Noise! Resolve the Deep State Rebellion!


by Charles Miller

November 16th 2019


Simple direct solutions presented properly always surprise the adversary, resulting in whole herds of Votes, healthy commerce, general peace and prosperity.


Divine Providence always strikes at the right moment!




The People do-not and should not trust government in general.


The public servants across the board caused the current lack of trust.


Public servants incrementally abandoned their personal duties to the People and allowed private interests to be protected to the detriment of not only the People, yet more to the point, the fundamental principles of the American adventure in personal Liberty.




Re-establish the trust between the People and public servants.


Present the People with a simple mechanism by which loyal public servants may be identified and Divided Loyalty individuals may be identified.


Remove and penalize those removed in the public forum.


MAGA is impossible under the current circumstance of pervasive Divided Loyalty!


Trust is between people. No one can trust an institution or corporation or government because they are mere paper. The individual Americans operating them may be trusted.


The link below provides a mechanism to resolve fundamental defects causing the controlled well planned destruction of the regular American class.


The fundamental defect is double sided. The People failed to properly supervise their employees, public servants, and failed to exercise the fundamentals of the Rule of Law. The public servants operated in Divided Loyalty, usurping powers and authorities incrementally until a special class gained the control. The control has been applied to foster and feed the corruption we all now experience.


No government will survive the administrative bureaucrat class being in control. This includes specifically the courts on equal basis with the executive and legislative. This special self constructed class of regulators serve themselves while disguised as government servants.


Healthy vibrant governments are based on trust. Being that all governments in our country were created by the People to serve We the People, the trust in government must come from the People. At present the level of trust extended by the People is so low as to be almost non existent. That low bar will continue and deteriorate no matter who is in office until the fundamental problem is resolved.


Governments can-not create Trust, People do.

The People and honest loyal government servants have no where to go given the current state of affairs. Every where we go for redress or clarity we are met with the state of confusion operating corruption at our expense.


A game changer is needed. A well identified destination is required before the wandering becomes a journey with a known destination.


The true genius of the structures created by our countries founders was the understanding of human nature and laying down principles with a flexible structure to serve them. The Pubic Servants Letter and Pledge linked below applies the principles within the current systemic operations, meeting the commercial and legal requirements currently operating. The Letter and Pledge are self authenticated by operation of the Rule of Law. They are also educational in nature going to the root issues.


The Public Servants Letter and Pledge linked below is on file at USDOJ, File # Civil Rights 4273048, and served to the White House via web invitation to establish official government records. President Trump is in receipt of other relevant documents duly served September 18th 2018 establishing boni fides.


The solution mentioned above was presented to President Trump in a group of emails, as Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes, fall 2019.


The simple direct solution taking less than 20 minuets to execute provides the opportunity for any American to exercise the our right of ownership in government, applies the fact that We the People created governments to serve us. If We the People created governments as the founding documents Declare, do We have a Property Right in government operations?


If so, and the reader understands Property Rights in our own creations, We have the possibility to create MAGA.


I look forward to your response.


Best Wishes.


Charles C. Miller.
