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  • 2019-12-18
  • Source: TTN staff
  • by: TTN
  • 11 2

    Carol M. Highsmith [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


    The Democrats have finally voted on Impeachment, they went as far as to finally vote to impeach the President. There has been heated debate for weeks about the impeachment process and heavy criticism of how the Democrats are handling the process. 


    The main problem Republicans are having with Pelosi and the Democrats is that they are pursuing impeachment as a political process as opposed to an evidence-based legal process. The lack of evidence that Trump is guilty of any high crimes or misdemeanors is what is primarily fueling the Republican's disapproval for the impeachment. 


    Not a single Republican voted to impeach the President while more Democrats voted in favor of impeachment from pro-Trump districts than expected.




    The Democrats are arguing that the Impeachment is up to par with previous impeachments but they lack the evidence needed to convince the American people that this is a legitimate process. All the whiteness brought forward failed to provide an adequate set of evidence or had positive things to say about the President. It has also become clear that the Democrats disdain for the President has become so toxic that a move like this would be no surprise.


    Here is how the vote turned out:


    Article 1:

    Democrats: 230 yeas

    Republicans: 197 nays


    Article 2:

    Democrats: 233 yeas

    Republicans: 197 nays


    Here are the upsets:



    Many were speculating how the Democrats who represent pro-Trump districts would vote. The only Representatives to do so were Jared Golden, Jeff Van Drew, and Colin Peterson. However, they were not no votes on both of the articles.

    -On the first article of impeachment Representative and presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard candidate voted present 


    -On the first Article, we also saw two no votes from the Democrats, Jeff Van Drew, and Collin Peterson. (Note: Van Drew will become a member of the GOP)


    -On the second article of impeachment we saw that Rep Jared Golden voted no, he was the only one to do so.


    -Unsurprisingly not a single Republican voted for impeachment


    -Justin Amash, a Republican turned independent, voted against impeachment



    This impeachment will have a big impact on the way impeachments are done moving forward, the fact that the Dems impeached the President means that any future President in from the democrat party could be impeached by a republican congress at any time. The move is disastrous but the senate trial still needs to take place in order to actually remove the President.




    Carol M. Highsmith [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


    The trial is expected to move quickly in the Senate and will likely result in President Trump remaining in office. The Senate is currently controlled by the Republican party and Mitch McConnell is going to be running the trial. The Senate is likely to quickly stomp on the impeachment parade, the trial wouldn’t last very long based on remarks from republican leadership we heard tonight.