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Dianne Marshall

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Last week, former President Donald Trump told an adviser that he “would never” allow the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to hold a meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, as the Biden administration scheduled for March 18. But Biden, did it anyway and it did not go well. If it happened at all? Remember, we know nothing about what is and what is not REALLY taking place. But, Biden supposedly sent his best to negotiate…and that went not so well. Can Biden do some “they won’t get the money until they do this or that” junk like he did in Ukraine? It doesn’t look like it…remember, Joey is China’s Panda boy.



Psaki confirms US-China summit in Alaska next week
But the Truman Show…oops, I mean the Biden Show decided to do its’ own thing and they are not so smart, they are a rather stupid lot. But, hey virtual’s been working here and the media says they are fantastic, so what could go wrong? Plenty when they re-enter the real world and quit playing their green screen games with a lapdog cabal run media. The cabal never had China in their pocket, they only used each other, both sides for personal gain. Now it’s down to who will survive the next moves. It sure appears that China may be unsure if the Cabal is in charge or losing….??



According to Jack Posobiec, they ripped the Biden presidency into pieces on the mess the USA is sitting in. So it was, according to Jack, a USA fail.

If it really took place at all…



Either this is another CGI green screen, complete with tripping … or a set of stairs in front of a green screen and he blundered his climb. But…question all things. So, if this was real, do you really believe fake news would be showing it? Who is showing this and why? Is this part of the show?
Meanwhile, back at the Anchorage meeting, China had fun slapping the Biden Democracy around like an unwanted rag doll.



BIDEN VIRTUAL REALITY SHOW SETS THE STAGE FOR CHINA DREAM TO TAKE DOWN AMERICA. Biden is China’s stoodge, the black mail on this guy is off the charts so he will have to VIRTUALY DO AS TOLD.






So, there is the Biden international woe for the day.

And then again the Republican Party isn’t looking very promising either…remember the CPAC where we had Golden Trump and the media frenzy with that? But, at least we had the national anthem…..remember?






Stay strong and know that God is in charge and whatever this show brings… God will use it for HIS GOOD NOT THERES!
