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Taliban Call Biden’s Bluff

TTN Staff

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August 24, 2021

The Taliban have announced that there will be no extension to the deadline set by President Biden for the US to be out of Afghanistan, August 31st.

The U.S. has been trying to negotiate an extension and the affirmation of no extension by the Taliban sets up a scenario for increased tensions and escalation leading up to the deadline.

According to The Mirror:


US forces must leave Afghanistan by August 31, the Taliban has demanded – raising serious concerns for those who have been unable to flee the country.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid has said no evacuations from Afghanistan will be permitted after that deadline.

During a press conference in Kabul, he said: “August 31 is the time given and after that it’s something that is against the agreement.

“All people should be removed prior to that date.

A powerful statement from the leader followed, “After that we do not allow them, it will not be allowed in our country, we will take a different stance.”