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JRB is as Overwhelmed as LBJ

Deroy Murdock

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August 30, 2021

The photo of Joseph Robinette Biden slumped over at the presidential podium last Thursday has become the defining image of his young presidency. Little more than seven months since his inauguration, Biden is encircled by crises and overwhelmed by his own incompetence, disengagement, and disastrous decisions. 

From the Afghan meltdown, to the erased southern “border,” to massive spending, to the return of inflation, to coddling criminals, to embracing Critical Race Theory, JRB is drowning in a piranha-filled whirlpool of his own making.


The picture of Biden curling into a veritable fetal position under withering questioning by my intrepid Fox News colleague Peter Doocy parallels another gripping photo.

On July 31, 1968, White House photographer Jack Kightlinger captured an equally exhausted President Lyndon Johnson deep in apparent grief and exasperation as he listened to an audio tape sent from South Vietnam by U.S. Marine Corps Captain Charles Spittal Robb, his son-in-law who was fighting in that conflict. The voice of Chuck Robb, the young man who went on to become Virginia’s Democrat governor and U.S. senator, seemed more than LBJ could handle.

The parallel pictures of two Democrat presidents swamped by events are as poignant as they are ominous.

Bonus: Watch President Ronald Reagan say farewell to Kightlinger as he retired from the White House Photographer’s Office on March 29, 1985. “Turnabout is fair play,” Reagan says, just after snapping the lensman’s picture.

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