Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit
Steve Quayle
A few years ago the main rail yards were moved to the west (outskirts) of our city and huge burms put up between the rail lines and the road going by...is it just for noise control? You cannot see the activity going on now! Lots of rows of lights....why? And what are the absolutely HUGE warehouses opposite the highway on the opposite side of the road? They have no signage and no activity in or around them! Any commercial venture is quickly up and running as time is money.....This leaves me with a terrible feeling! I sent this to my brother and was surprised at his reply!
They held police SWAT drills in the High School last Saturday. They were wearing headgear with face shields and riot gear, filling the halls with smoke bombs, acting out terrorist scenarios. Including victims with fake blood. The pictures are in the print Lacombe Globe, but not on the website--yet. Police State 2010 has arrived.
Written from Edmonton Alberta Canada
http://www.stevequayle.com/News.alert/10_Global/100430.new.Ford.vans.html250 New White Ford Vans Parked in the Middle of Nowhere
April 28, 2010