RFID Chips TV Commercial
If you read the KJV of the Bible, you'll see that it says the Mark of the Beast will be IN your right hand. It's been my thinking for a number of years that this would be the Mark.
If you don't believe in that, then at least know that once we're all chipped (which I believe will become mandatory after they get all they can get through voluntarily being chipped) we will all be in one big national data base where our every move can be tracked. Medical, financial, everywhere we go, everything we do... I would venture to guess they can even hear what you say, or will be able to with slightly more technology.
There are many, many implications surrounding this. They'll have to kill me first to ever get one in me!
This is a short video, just one minute long. Note the very first second says VeriChip. This is the company I've heard about for years that has been developing this chip and it's the company that manufactures it for animals.