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WND-TV Zimmermans fear Obama tapping their phones

Joe Kovacs

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July 17, 2013

'Verdict isn't what they wanted, so now they're moving the goal post'

The recent scandal revealing the Obama administration is listening to the phone calls of ordinary Americans has apparently been noticed by the family of George Zimmerman, as they suspect their own communications are now being tapped.

During an appearance on Fox News Tuesday morning, George’s brother Robert Zimmerman said, “We do have concerns and always have of having our phones tapped, having our phones listened to by the administration or whomever because George is now, as we know, continually the subject of ongoing investigation.”

Robert Zimmerman also discussed the need for family members to stay safe in the wake of threats and violence since George was acquitted Saturday night in the death of Trayvon Martin.

“A lot of the things that we do are connecting in person – that’s how we’ve managed to stay hidden for so long. It’s kind of old school, but it works. … We’re back to what we were doing in March of 2012, because it’s right in everybody’s mind right now,” he said.

Despite George’s acquittal in state court, Robert Zimmerman indicated the family is worried about special-interest groups pressuring the U.S. Justice Department to seek federal charges.

“I think Eric Holder is being pressured by some groups who were calling for, initially, just an arrest. These same groups keep moving around the goal posts: the NAACP, Al Sharpton, the Rainbow Push Coalition with Jesse Jackson,” he explained.

“First they wanted just a simple arrest and that’s it, have his fair day in court and whatever the verdict is, we’ll respect it. Then when the verdict was coming they wanted him to be found guilty. But the verdict isn’t what they wanted, so now they’re moving the goal post again, and calling on the Department of Justice to investigate him more,” George’s brother added.

The full interview can be seen here:


Read today’s full report about the Zimmerman case: