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NSA's Data Center Site Is Home to Polygamist Sect


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Alug. 27, 2013

Bluffdale, Utah, is home to the National Security Agency's massive new data center designed to intercept, analyze, and store vast amounts of the world's communications.

It also has another distinction: Bluffdale is headquarters of the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB), one of the nation's largest sects of polygamists.

The AUB has upwards of 9,000 members, according to Its communities of Mormon fundamentalists are mostly in Utah but there are also several in other states and Mexico.

The sect’s Bluffdale complex includes a chapel, a school, archives, and a sports field.

Membership in Bluffdale "has doubled since 1978 — and the number of plural marriages has tripled," reported.

The sect is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The NSA chose to locate its center in Bluffdale due in part to low utility rates there, especially water. A local TV station reported that the center will require 1.7 million gallons of water each day to keep its computers cool.

The site also takes advantage of available land on a military base, and is in an area with no history of natural disasters.

According to National Public Radio, the nearly completed $1.2 billion complex 26 miles south of Salt Lake City "features 1.5 million square feet of top secret space," with NSA computers filling up to 100,000 square feet.

The center will begin harvesting emails, phone records, text messages, and other electronic data in September.