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Op-Ed: The impact of the newest Snowden revelation and the 'Five Eyes

Justin King

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Feb. 25, 2014

The latest in the string of explosive revelations by Edward Snowden should concern every single person reading this article. Anyone who is online is a potential target of the intelligence service programs designed to get people to buy the party line.
The release of Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) training materials shows that members of the “Five-Eyes” nations (Australia, Britain, Canada, the United States, and New Zealand) are actively seeking to control online discussion and discredit anyone who is a threat to the control system. The targets are not terrorists or even criminals, but everyday people that have a voice and use it to dissent from the government approved storyline.

While this sounds like something out of a dystopian movie, the fact is the intelligence services of the Five-Eyes have concocted schemes so diabolical that even 1984’s Big Brother would be impressed. This is no conspiracy theory. The training materials are readily available online thanks to Edward Snowden’s conscience. The leaked top-secret documents are available in their entirety here. Slide 47 is titled “Disruption Operation Playbook” and goes on to list the types of operations the secret police of these nations are engaging in against their own citizens. Infiltration Operation Ruse Operation Set Piece Operation False Flag Operation False Rescue Operation Disruption Operation Sting Operation Another slide explains how to properly discredit a target. It states that agents could “set-up a honey trap,” which is a time-tested espionage method of drawing a person into an illicit sexual situation so that it can be exposed or later be used to blackmail the target. The same slide suggests writing “a blog purporting to be one of their victims.” So, tax dollars are currently being spent so secret police can sit at computers and make up lies about those that don’t agree with the government. If that doesn’t work, another suggestion is more direct: “Email/text their colleagues, neighbours, friends, etc.” So simply lie about the person and send messages to everyone they know.

A person residing in any of the Five-Eyes nations can no longer consider themselves to be living in a free country. The propaganda and control systems are backed by secret police masquerading as the National Security Agency or the General Communication Headquarters, or the Communications Security Establishment Canada. They monitor every citizen’s movement and communication through mass spying and if one of them steps out of line, they aren’t even polite enough to snatch the thought criminal up and put a bullet in their head to put them out of their misery. They simply destroy the reputation of the accused with false accusations and lies without trial, court order, or any oversight. The citizen that offended the government can simply live out the rest of his or her days in disgrace wondering where all the lies came from. Those under the watchful Five-Eyes live in a society where everyone truly does love Big Brother, because if they don’t, their lives will be ruined by faceless government employees tapping away on keyboards. The citizens of these nations have no voice in the government which has been bought by corporate interests and their only method of voicing their opposition to the descent in oblivion is now the target of professional slanderers.

The face of tyranny is always mild at first, and that mild face is showing itself clearly. If action is not taken soon, the day will come when the mild face will look upon the mere citizens of the nation with disdain and show the brutality that is the foundation of any government that uses fear as a control system. Future generations will look back at this time and wonder how people simply sat idly by and watched as the mechanisms were put in place to destroy every remnant of freedom cowering under Lady Liberty’s skirt. The full rollout of this program was completed in early 2013. This is happening now.

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