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Anger of Ancient God ‘ISMAIL AX’ Shown In US School Massacre

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscr

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how this horrible event could have taken place, and from the perspective of having achieved among all of the World’s peoples the most violent society on Earth, the ‘main clue’, perhaps, for the actions of Cho Seung Hui may lie in the final cryptic message he left behind, written in red ink on his arm and simply saying, “ISMAIL AX’.

According to reports from South Korean Buddhist authorities, the name written on the arm of Cho Seung Hui, ‘ISMAIL AX’, is an anagram for SALAMI XI, and as deciphered according to the ancient texts of the unique Buddhism-Shamanic religion as practiced only in ancient Korea.

The meaning of SALAMI comes from the Italian verb salare, meaning 'to salt', and is a reference to salting the earth, and which refers to the practice of spreading salt on fields to make them incapable of being used for crop-growing.

This was done in ancient times at the end of some wars as an extremely punitive scorched earth tactic.

The Latin symbol for the number 11 (XI) is the reference used by Cho Seung Hui to signify his ‘authority’ to ‘Salt the Earth’ as this is the number ascribed by both ancient and modern numerologists alike to great artists, religious leaders, prophets, and leading figures in history, and is considered to be the ‘highest’ of all numbers.

A further ‘clue’ left behind by Cho Seung Hui lies in the ancient mythology of his ancient Korean homeland and wherein he believed in his ‘right’ to be ‘Shin’ (godlike, divine, supernatural), and as evidenced by the reports from Western media stating his ‘religious devotion’ to a song titled ‘Shine’, which was preformed by a musical group called Collective Soul.

It is instructive for us, also, to fully understand the words of the song that so captivated Cho Seung Hui, and which are:

“Give me a word Give me a sign Show me where to look Tell what will I find ( will I find )

Lay me on the ground Fly me in the sky Show me where to look Tell me what will I find ( will I find ) Oh, heaven let your light shine down Love is in the water

Love is in the air Show me where to go Tell me will love be there ( love be there ) Teach me how to speak Teach me how to share Teach me where to go

Tell me will love be there ( love be there ) Oh, heaven let your light shine down I’m going to let it shine Heavens little light gonna shine on me

Yea yea heavens little light gonna shine on me Its gonna shine, shine on me Its gonna shine, come on in shine”

To the simplicity of Cho Seung Hui using his knowledge of his Homeland’s ancient religion to convey to those with understanding the greater meaning for his actions there is no doubt; to his belief, however, that by his actions he would, indeed, be ‘salting the Earth’ against a people, and a culture, he so despised towards their future destruction it remains a distinct possibility.

As history has too often shown us, the American people, once over their initial shock of this terrible massacre, will begin the institution of new, and draconian, measures designed to keep themselves safe from the madmen of this World, and which from past events has resulted in their becoming a virtual police state.

To their, the Americans, now turning their once great universities into virtual prisons for their children there is, sadly, no doubt; and which one then has to ask, who will be the final victor of this tragic episode?

Cho Seung Hui who, obviously, envisioned his actions having this exact effect upon all American students whom he hated and despised, or, the truest victims of this outrage, the dead and wounded, who on one sunny spring day in America learned firsthand the damaging effects their culture does indeed inflict upon some people?

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]