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Fiber Optic Camera Inside Your Monitor????

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I ask him if he could remove mine but he got paranoid about doing so and said that they generally quit often even covertly withold the exact location withing the schematic diagrams. It seems it may even be unlawful to remove them or have them removed by a knowledgeable tech able to do so. He said he would remove the camera from my TV set, but then mysteriously died of a stroke a very short time later before getting the opportunity to do so. Recently I have had contact from various anti-goverment agencies which has even now drawn the F.B.I. unto my attention.

They contacted me on the internet. Also recently I had two very bright flashs come forth from the middle of my computer monitor and I do believe they took my picture; as these were very bright camera flashs undoubtedly. I live in Reno,NV. where there are slot machines and video poker slot machines etc. etc. Well a technician I know whom works for I.G.T. (International Gaming Technology) here in Reno, where they manufacture these electronic machines; claims that they even have the cameras in the video poker machines as well as some of the slot machines.

It seems they can watch you through the video poker machine while your sitting there gambling from right out of the monitor itself, just as they are doing unto many of us online now. I don't think they have them in the LCD monitors though; But it could be possible that they do. A minister friend of mine recently went off line. I know they took her hard drive etc. etc. because she sent me movie info about the 9-11 boming showing the crusise missle sticking out the other side of the world trade center and she also had info about how there was no jumbo jet airplane, for it was just a high tech hologram and that George Bush and his secret new one world order planned that bombing.

Did I believe it? Of course, because they found no airplane receckage etc. etc. plus I use to be a certified welder and I know no airplane fuel could melt them solid steel I-beams and H-beams which the world trade center was erected from. There were planted bombs which were pre-timed to go off exactly when that cruise missle (which disquised by holographics portrayed itself as a jumbo jet) hit the building. Are you being watched? Count on it.

They also have high tech satalite photo relays that are so powerful they can read the date off of a dime laying miles below on your sidewalk. And even a new type of x-ray video camera that can see fly over your house and look down through the roof of your house into your home without you or anyone elese even knowing it. Bud, Charles W. McCorkle
