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Department of Homeland Security Pedophiles

Wayne Madsen

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oughed up and handcuffed by two Homeland Security agents who interfered with Pickett as he was directing school buses in front of the school. Pickett politely asked the two to move their vehicle and they refused. The Homeland Security officers claimed they pulled on to school property to read a map. With Doyle and Figueroa targeting teens in Florida, there is a distinct possibility that other Homeland Security agents are, like Doyle and Figueroa, using their positions to entice children, including those on school property. There have been ample cases of Transportation Security Administration screeners frisking children as young as eight years old.

Perhaps with Homeland Security now identified as a bevy of sexual predators and pedophiles, Homeland Security agents should be required to register with local police before they are permitted to engage in any activities within city and township boundaries. Mr. Pickett potentially may have averted a child kidnapping and as someone who has been involved in FBI and Navy counter-intelligence investigations of similar cases, this editor can surmise that the two agents may not have been looking at a "map" at all, but photographs of potential victims. The fact that they were present at the school during a time when school buses were transporting children is even more suspicious.


The gas shortage is totally bogus

I just think everyone should know... I am a tugboat sailor. The gas shortage is totally bogus. There are "fleets" all up and down the gulf coast that you don't know about. They consist of hundreds and thousands of tank barges that we tie up daily that are filled with millions of gallons of fuel. The big companies pump their fuel into the barges and as long as the fuel is in a barge it is considered offshore and not part of the reserve. So, there are millions of gallons of fuel tied up to spud barges all through the bays, intracoastal inlets, and canals all up and down the coast that the companies don't have to report. They fabricate the shortage by pumping their millions of gallons of fuel and hide them in these fleets creating the shortage so they can make their multi billion dollar gains while we can't afford the gas at the pump. I've never in my life asked anyone to forward anything, but this has me fuming. Accidental pun now intended. With many voices, we can put a stop to this.