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Anti-Patriot Act -- Terrorism

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al George Washington, who instructed and warned the american people that" a free people ought to be ARMED AND DISCIPLINED and SHOULD HAVE SUFFICIENT ARMS AND AMMUNITION TO PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM ALL WHO MIGHT ABUSE THEM, INCLUDING THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT." I don't think that the men, women and children at Waco, Texas had "SUFFICIENT ARMS AND AMMUNITION" TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM THE DEMONCRAT (OOPS a.k.a. democratic) Nazi Dictator, William Clinton's MILITARY TANKS HE SENT TO LIGHT A MATCH AND EXECUTE THE FINAL SOLUTION ON the men, women and children who went up in smoke just like the other victims of the German Nazi Dictator Adolph Hitler did at the slaughter of the men, women and children in Warsaw, Poland and the victims who went up the chimneys at Auschwitz and Dachau.

The second amendments talks about insurance in that the language says " order to insure a free state, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON". Well I hope that the people down there are holding insurance and that they might surprise the Nazi military death machine with a surprise just like the minutemen at Lexington and Concord did and just as the men at New Orleans did when General Andrew Jackson instructed his men at the Battle of New Orleans, Hold your fire men until you see the whites of their eyes!

I certainly don't want to see any men, women, or children being captured and stripped naked, before they are carted off to the execution chambers which the Nazi military war machine is preparing on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which is only a boatride from Florida. There already are some children being tortured as prisoners on the Nazi military base. I suppose that the rise in statistical numbers will be the method to determine how victorious the Nazi war Machine is executing the final solution on the Reign of Terror that is designed to comsume the whole world, including the SLEEPING DRAGON, CALLED CHINA!
