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CIA To Release Details On Decades of Secrets

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the National Security Archive at George Washington University.

The documents to be released next week also include accounts of break-ins and theft, surveillance of U.S. journalists, the agency's opening of private mail to and from China and the Soviet Union, and 'behavior modification' experiments on 'unwitting' U.S. civilians.

'Much of it has been in the press before, and most of it is unflattering, but it's the CIA's history,' Hayden said in a speech on Thursday to the American Foreign Relations Conference.

'This is about telling the American people what we have done in their name,' Hayden said.

The CIA chief said the documents provide a glimpse of 'a very different time and a very difference agency.'

Hayden said 147 documents, 11,000 pages of analysis done between 1953 and 1973, would be available on the CIA's Web site.