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President Trump sat down for an interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson while in South Korea. During the interview, Trump slammed the Democrats for the poor condition of inner cities.



According to The Daily Wire:

In an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that was conducted in Japan, President Trump ripped the Democratic politicians that run major cities in America for soaring homelessness that plagues their cities, asserting, “This is the liberal establishment; this is what I’m fighting.” He pointed out that many of the cities Carlson cited for becoming repositories for urine on the street and needles from junkies are sanctuary cities, adding, “They’re run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people … Do they really think this is okay? Because it’s not. It’s destroying their city and it’s destroying a whole way of life.” Trump said bluntly, “We may intercede.”


The exchange began with Carlson noting, “You come to where we are now, Osaka, or Tokyo, and the cities are clean; there’s no graffiti; there’s no one going to the bathroom on the street; you don’t see junkies … ”


Trump replied, “It’s very nice, isn’t it.”




Trump concluded: “At the same time, most of our cities are doing great; but if you look at some of these; they’re usually sanctuary cities; they’re run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. But the thing that nobody can figure out is, are these governors or mayors, do they really think this is a positive? Do they really think this is okay? Because it’s not. It’s destroying their city and it’s destroying a whole way of life. And it’s not our country; it’s not what our country’s all about.”

It remains unclear what President Trump will do to change the course of America's inner cities but strengthening the economy is a good start.