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UPDATE: Further clarification about “martial law” powers and what’s needed to save America

Mike Adams

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Earlier today, Alex Jones picked up this story and republished the article and video at This resulted in a huge audience seeing this video, which of course generated a flurry of comments (and some criticism). The biggest question coming out of this was: Do I support martial law under Trump?

To answer this, I’ve posted an additional video. It explains how we are already under martial law control of the deep state, and why Trump needs to assert his own executive power to clean out the swamp and ultimately restore America to its constitutional republic status. I’ve even suggested that after this is accomplished, Trump should resign and step aside, handing back our country to the people.

What most people fail to realize is that we’ve been living under many forms of “martial law” put in place by Obama that are still damaging America and its citizens to this very day. For example:

  • The tech giants’ deplatforming of InfoWars, Natural News and other pro-Trump channels is an extremely dangerous form of digital martial law, where citizens who say certain things are not allowed to exist in the online ecosystem.
  • The left-wing media, now fully complicit in deep state treason against America, is handed daily marching orders by Obama’s CIA factions that determine what “news” is allowed to be broadcast across America. The “media” is not the media. It is the anti-America propaganda arm of Obama’s CIA, which is still in power and still working to destroy this nation.
  • Deranged left-wing activists have placed all prominent conservatives under a form of de facto martial law where no prominent conservative can venture out in public without being harassed, threatened or violently attacked by hysterical anti-Trump lunatics.
  • The economic sabotage now being committed against InfoWars and other pro-Trump platforms (by PayPal, Citibank and others) is a form of financial martial law, where deep state-driven financial institutions commit selective economic sabotage against targets identified to them by Obama’s CIA.
  • Close associates of Trump now routinely find themselves indicted and prosecuted by Robert Mueller under a kind of prosecutorial martial law where only selected political targets are subjected to legal scrutiny while pro-Clinton operatives are granted universal immunity from all crimes (including those crimes committed by Hillary Clinton herself).
  • The Obama administration weaponized government agencies against targeted citizens’ groups, deploying the IRS to enforce a selective “taxation martial law” policy of denying tax exempt status against conservative non-profits.

The question is not whether you want to live under martial law; the question is whether you want to continue to live under Obama’s “deep state martial law” where the media, the courts, the prosecutors, the tech giants, the IRS and every other element of the deep state is targeting conservatives and Trump supporters for complete destruction.

In order to defeat Obama’s deep state treason, we are going to have to go through a “lock down” period that will enable President Trump, in conjunction with the U.S. military, to carry out the necessary arrests and prosecutions of deep state traitors who have infiltrated every level of the U.S. government. This “lock down” period needs to be supported by all patriots to give Trump the time he needs to achieve a clean sweep of deep state traitors who, as he explains, have become “a cancer” on America.

Make no mistake: America is a nation under siege right now. President Trump will need to invoke extraordinary powers to defeat the deep state and deliver America back to the people.

Watch my follow-up video for a more detailed explanation: