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  6067.  Oath.  Every person on his admission shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and faithfully to discharge the duties of any attorney at law to the best of his

  knowledge and ability.  A certificate of the oath shall be indorsed upon his license. (Added by Stats. 1939, c 34. p. 354, Sec. 1.)

NOTE:  There are no attorneys licensed in California.  When asked,  none can produce a certificate.  At best, an attorney can only produce his Bar membership card (privately issued by the Bar Association) and a letter of acknowledgement from the state

supreme court.

The California Bar Association was incorporated in 1903.  According to the incorporation papers, the corporation would exist for 50 years.  In 1953 the corporation ceased to exist. The Bar Association now does not officially exist in California.

It operates as a chapter of the national organization, probably as a common law association.  The California Secretary of State does not have any record of the Association since 1953.  Any corporation is required to register with the Secretary of

State, even municipal and non-profit corporations.  The Association has not done so since 1953.

April 7, 2010