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Jews Back Kagan For Supreme Court - Interview With Kevin MacDonald PhD

Brother Nathanael Kapner

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DR KEVIN MACDONALD, PSYCHOLOGIST AND HISTORIAN, is a Professor of Psychology at the California State University.

As the author of several books, Dr MacDonald outlines Jewry’s quest to destroy White Christian culture through intellectual movements and politics.

Brother Nathanael Kapner: What was your initial reaction to Elena Kagan’s candidacy to the Supreme Court?

Kevin MacDonald: The Jewish-owned media initially published a flurry of praises for Kagan’s candidacy. It was obvious to me that the theme of all of this is ethnic networking.

How else explain the fact that someone with a completely undistinguished scholarly record not only got tenure at the University of Chicago but was appointed dean of Harvard Law School?

Br Nathanael: What was the hype on Kagan and what indicated ethnic networking?

Kevin MacDonald: The LA Times first published, “Supreme Court Candidate Elena Kagan Has Admirers Left And Right,” written by David Savage, a Jewish journalist. Although masquerading as news, the article is a brief for the candidacy of Elena Kagan.

Savage notes that Kagan is well connected to top people in the Obama Administration, (Larry Summers being one of them), and there is effusive praise from two legal bigwigs, Laurence Tribe and Charles Fried, both of Harvard and both Jews.

More was to follow from the Huffington Post’s ”Elena Kagan Emerging As Supreme Court Front-Runner.” Once again, the same people were hyping Kagan as absolutely brilliant.

Charles Fried waxed redundant, saying, “Elena Kagan is supremely intelligent, one of the most intelligent people I have known. I think she’s a very, very intelligent person.”


April 18, 2010