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Guess who's back to help with Supreme Court pick

Aaron Klein

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The White House's controversial former communications

director, Anita Dunn, is playing a key role in aiding the Obama administration in its selection of a Supreme Court nominee.

Dunn stepped down from her post in November amid controversy fueled when WND posted a video of Dunn that captured her disclosing to the Dominican government that Barack Obama's presidential campaign focused on "making" the news media cover certain issues while rarely communicating

anything to the press unless it was "controlled."

That video subsequently was quoted widely by the news media.

Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck also aired a separate video of Dunn speaking to high school students last June. In her speech, she lists her two "favorite political philosophers," including Communist Chinese leader Mao Zedong, whose draconian policies are blamed for the deaths of tens of millions of people.

Beck was hitting back after Dunn led a public campaign against Fox News Channel, slamming the top-rated network as an "arm of the Republican Party" and "opinion journalism masquerading as news."

Now Dunn is back, reportedly helping the White House in its selection of a Supreme Court nominee.

April 18, 2010