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Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters (with comment)

Bernard von NotHaus

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y followed the conviction. PLEASE NOTE: Your property is at risk so please continue to read these emails and take action so the government does not steal your property. An appeal is planned but that will take years. More news to follow. An unofficial, but most interesting account of the trial is available via Heather's blog at:
God help you and our country as American descends into a hellish hyperinflationary future without the benefits of the Liberty Dollar. I am very sorry our efforts to return America to value failed.

Thank you so much for your support.

Bernard von NotHaus

Monetary Architect

Bernard NotHaus showed a lot of courage, accountability, and personal honor in putting together his program. "Character elements all but gone, or seldom witnessed, in a people who long ago, lost their way".  Truth be told, the American people loathe such character qualities, as it exposes their own cowardly impotence, and any will to change it. The Jury who convicted Bernard, were made up of a average sampling of your fellow Americans,  or gutless wonders. (Before you call me out over being so hard on my fellow Americans, think about this.) "No country, in the history of the human race, has ever gotten back their freedoms by acting like cowards, and spineless whimpering dogs. Nor have any people ever gotten their country back without a fight, and a bloody one at that. "If anyone reading this, thinks that American will again regain her former freedoms under the Original US Constitution, you are hoping for something to occur that has never happened on this planet, absent a tremendous amount of bloodshed".
The Devils, Jews, who run America, have no intention of allowing a return to the core of the US Constitution, that being in the re-establishment of honest weights and measures, or Gold and Silver. All the legislation being submitted by the various states representatives to reenact that part of the US Constitution, will never get passed the Governor's Desk. The Jews and their legion(s) of Cyborgs, Military, Police, Merks, etcs., will rain hell down on the American people, before allowing the tender of 1 silver dollar in exchange for groceries at any store in this country. If the people want to trade using Gold and Silver, in exchange for items of need, they are free to do so, for now -- so long as the US Corporate Government does not decide to once again, start aggressively enforcing the Trading With The Enemy Acts and Laws. When that day comes, and will, as certain as the Sun will come up tomorrow morning, the American people -- least wise those caught with Silver and Gold of any size, weight, and form, will be looked upon no different than common criminals, and hauled off to jail.  Doesn't what happened to Bernard NotHaus prove this? What more proof do you need? To hear your door being knocked down in the middle of the night, jerked out of bed, and then have a gun pointed in your face?
Why do you think the South wanted to secede from the North? Remember, it was the South who withdrew from the Union, for reasons wholly aside from the historical reasons given of black slavery. It has to do with a den of Jew-viper-devils, in Washington D.C., agitating for a Central Bank. All along it has only been one thing with these Jews, to get control of the issuing of the paper money, world over, and then squeeze the people until there is not one drop of blood left in them.
War is an excellent instrument to implement such systems as would never be stood for by a free and educated populace.
Americans have become quite happy with being this way, and are now very much accustomed to assuming the position, when even the mere subtle nuance of the slightest inconvenience, or challenge, might be forthcoming. 
This case proves once again that the American people are more than content with their slave status existence -- only too happy and willing to take up the cause of securing it for their Jew Gods and Masters -- ever mindful and careful, not to give cause to same for thinking them sluggards, by not keeping the rest of the sheep in line. . . before being called to do so.   ~Rod Remelin