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Liberty Counsel Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairma

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            In yesterday's hearing at the Fourth Circuit

            Court of Appeals, Neal K. Katyal, the Acting

            Solicitor General, made several shocking

            statements in defense of ObamaCare's outrageous

            intrusion into private citizens' affairs.

            Those admissions will doubtless play a major

            role in the court's decision at this level

            and, eventually, at the United States Supreme

            Court.  Please read my important message

            below - Mat.



As you know, yesterday I presented the first oral argument challenging the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) at the federal appeals level. I was up against Attorney General Eric Holder's Department of Justice (DOJ) and their virtually unlimited resources.


            One of my main points to the court was that

            mandates in ObamaCare go far beyond the limits

            set by the Constitution. I argued that, in

            reality, this so-called health insurance "reform"

            law redistributes wealth among private parties

            to achieve an alleged humanitarian ideal at an

            unacceptable cost and is not authorized by the



++ The DOJ's response: The federal government can mandate anything it wants!


In what may have been one of the most astounding admissions I have yet encountered by the defenders of ObamaCare, during oral argument the Acting Solicitor General acknowledged that the law was unlike any other law in American history. He also admitted that he believed Congress COULD force individuals to buy certain food like, for instance, wheat!


            To hear the Acting Solicitor General admit that

            if this massive health insurance law is upheld,

            Congress could FORCE individuals to purchase

            certain kinds of food was truly astonishing

            (and chilling)!


            By the government's own admission, if ObamaCare

            is upheld Congress would no longer have any

            limitations on its regulatory power. Today it

            is health insurance, but tomorrow it could be

            food, transportation, housing, or whatever!


            Big Brother would be the CEO of every business

            and dictate all of our private choices. The

            implications are staggering. Mark my words:

            The stakes in the outcome of this litigation

            could not possibly be higher! 


Yesterday, following the hearing, I recorded a special audio message for all Liberty Counsel team members. If you haven't already heard it, go here to access my special report on yesterday's ObamaCare court hearing:


++ THANK YOU for supporting us in this battle!


Over the past 24 hours, there has been widespread media coverage on our case and that of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. Much of the media attention has been focused on the fact that the three Judges hearing our cases were all appointed by Democrat Presidents: two by BarackObama and one by Bill Clinton. The media has often referred to it as a "stacked court."


            In response to that, I will tell you that my

            team and I were fully prepared for whatever

            came our way. That's where our preparation and

            tremendous prayer support were invaluable!


You can imagine how encouraging it was to know that our Amici Book, filled with the names of 76,593 patriotic Americans who I knew were praying for us, was present with me at the Counsel's Table throughout my oral argument.  I assure you, the prayerful support of so many Believers was like the proverbial wind beneath my wings!


I literally felt the presence of God in that courtroom, and know beyond all doubt that the battle is His!


            Now we wait on the Judges' ruling, which I expect

            within 45 days.  May I ask that you continue

            praying for this case? Please join us in asking

            for God's blessings on the Judges' deliberations,

            the work of their clerks, and the entire process.     


 I must also continue to ask for your support in defraying the extraordinary costs incurred in fighting against ObamaCare's implementation.  We will continue to prepare this case for the eventual trip to the U.S. Supreme Court.


And we have an enormous challenge in getting ready for our two-week trial in the Santa Rosa County, Florida, case in which we face the ACLU in early July, plus many, many other current cases.


            Click here to listen to my exclusive audio

            message, see a picture of Anita and me with

            our powerful Amici Book on the courthouse steps,

            and to make a special financial gift:


++This is our God-ordained mission.


If ObamaCare is upheld in court, where will the lines be drawn on federal regulatory power? According to the Acting Solicitor General, there are NO boundaries! The Obama Administration is intently blurring those lines in every arena including healthcare, marriage, freedom of speech, freedom of religious expression, our economy, the environment, and many other issues.  


            Every day I am reminded that Liberty Counsel

            is standing at the epicenter of the battle for

            the soul of our nation. We are fully engaged

            in the defense of life, liberty and family! 


The kinds of pressure we are experiencing from socialist political demagogues, radical homosexual activists, anti-Christian bigots, and those who simply want to cast away all bonds of morality and decency, compels us to take action together!


++The battle to stop ObamaCare is not over.


The court of appeals should issue a ruling within the next 45 days. From there the losing side will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to take this case. I predict we could have oral arguments at the High Court early in 2012 with a decision by the end of June 2012!


As always, THANK YOU for all you do as a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!  And again, thank you for your prayerful support throughout one of the most powerful experiences I have yet had defending liberty, life, and family!


God bless you,


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. Please be sure to listen to my special audio message and see Anita and me with our treasured Amici Book!  I urge you to consider making a tax-deductible gift to Liberty Counsel for our many ongoing cases, including our battle with the ACLU in Santa Rosa County, Florida.  Again, thank you and God bless you!





+ + Comments? Questions?




Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

May 11, 2011