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The ACLU wants to bury us!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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The deep-pocketed ACLU is aggressively trying

            to bury us in depositions and an array of legal

            processes to force a shutdown or delay of our

            lawsuit to protect Christian expression in

            Santa Rosa County, Florida. We are now just

            a few weeks away from a pivotal two-week

            trial - and we WILL NOT back down now!  Our

            legal team needs your prayers and support.

            See my urgent message below - Mat. 

We are locked in a marathon battle with the ACLU to stop their radical agenda to criminalize Christianity!

            As I have been sharing for several months, Liberty

            Counsel has gone on the offense against the ACLU

            and their outrageous attempts to CRIMINALIZE

            common expressions of the Christian faith on

            the part of employees of the Santa Rosa County,

            Florida, school system.

            And although this case most directly affects

            a small school district in Northwest Florida,

            its impact will be felt across the nation, even

            in your community!

            After getting the initial charges against three

            school system employees dismissed, we filed a

            separate lawsuit against the school district

            and the ACLU on behalf of 24 people whose

            freedom of religious expression was threatened.

            Now the ACLU and their collaborators working

            for the school system are desperately fighting

            to preserve their precious Consent Decree.

++Every American's liberty will be affected by the outcome!

The ACLU and their colleagues representing the Santa Rosa County School System know they can't win this case on its merits, so their strategy appears to be to bury us in paperwork, extensive depositions, and the enormous number of hours required to answer this barrage of legal documents!

Between the ACLU and lawyers representing the County School System, there are eight or nine attorneys working to enforce the oppressive Consent Decree the ACLU is fighting to preserve! Between now and early July, when the trial begins, we will have participated in as many as fifty intense depositions!

            In fact, last week two of Liberty Counsel's

            senior litigators   spent as many as 15 hours

            a day in Northwest Florida, mostly working on

            depositions.  And we were given notice that

            next week, they have scheduled 20 more!

++The ACLU's negative influence is insidious and powerful.

The ACLU's nearly unlimited resources and fearsome reputation among small communities and jurisdictions changes everythingabout a case like this.  For instance, it seems amazing  how easily the Santa Rosa County School Board caved in to ACLU demands that they sign a Consent Order that sacrificed the constitutional rights of everyone involved with their school system!


            As our on-scene team has observed, if they

            had committed even half of the effort they

            are making to enforce the   ACLU's Consent

            Order against their own resisting

            the ACLU's bullying in the first place...there

            never would have been any complaints from


But now, this case has become extremely dangerous both to the people of Northwest Florida and to the nation as a whole.

++ Why is this case so important?

            The ACLU represents a "clear and present danger"

            to the religious liberties of the people of Santa

            Rosa County - and to every American's liberties!

            Unchecked, they fully intend for their oppression

            to impact YOUR community like it has the

            Panhandle region of Florida.

            This case has reached a crucial phase.  It

            represents one of the ACLU's fondest hopes for

            their nationwide strategy to rid America of

            public religious expression.  Santa Rosa County,

            Florida, is truly "ground zero" for America's

            religious liberty!

Now more than ever, I need your help to counter the huge war chest of the ACLU and to counter their "overwhelm your opponent" strategy in Florida!

Will you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift right now so our team can continue to fight against the attacks of the ACLU and the activities of other radical legal groups, many of which are affiliated or highly cooperative with the ACLU?

Click below to support Liberty Counsel's mission.  Any gift of $25 or more will entitle you to a free copy of the newly revised edition my powerful book, "Take Back America."  Click here to learn more about your free gift:

++ACLU bullying must be stopped! 

Last year, Liberty Counsel won cases on behalf of three school employees in Santa Rosa County, but afterward the students and staff in the school district remained unable to exercise their rights because no one wanted to be dragged into court.

            Some testified under oath that they literally

            had to hide in closets and closed rooms to

            pray for fear that they, too, would become

            TARGETS OF THE ACLU.

In my opinion, the ACLU is the most hostile organization toward liberty and the freedom of religious expression in the history of our nation. Their organizational goals are statist, left-wing, anti-Christian, anti-free-speech, and the exact opposite of their misleading name - all of which makes the ACLU the enemy of true freedom, not its so-called "watchdog."

Yet, I am pleased to inform friends like you that Liberty Counsel has a 92 percent winning record against the deep- pocketed ACLU. And the ACLU knows it, thanks be to God!

Year-in and year-out, we achieve a great deal of impact in proportion to the amount of donations we receive.  Most of the gifts we receive are dedicated directly to providing legal services and information.  That's because a large portion of our operating budget comes from attorney's fees when the government or groups like the ACLU are found liable for civil rights violations.

The bottom line is that your gifts can be immediately put to work winning the battle for our culture in courtrooms across the nation -- and right now, that means standing up to the ACLU bullies (and their misguided confederates) in Santa Rosa County, Florida!

 I need your help in two ways:

FIRST, our legal team needs prayer for strength to continue this arduous battle. The ACLU has several attorneys on location and they are very closely working with lawyers hired by the School District - a total of at least eight or nine!  Of course, these attorneys have access to the resources of the national organization, as well.

SECOND, your financial support will keep our legal team engaged in stopping the ACLU from criminalizing Christianity and in good shape to advance other key legal cases and public policy initiatives in which we are engaged.  Of course, our lawsuit against ObamaCare is never far from the front burner!

PLEASE consider a special gift to Liberty Counsel to meet this critical need.  For any gift of $25 or more, I will send you a free copy of my recently updated book, "Take Back America." 

            The new, revised edition includes updated

            information on Liberty Counsel's battle

            against ObamaCare, our confrontation with

            the ACLU in Northwest Florida, and many

            other recent battles.

Please go here to help and to learn more about your free gift:

The countdown to the Santa Rosa County trial has begun.  With the workload we are processing each day, the remaining time before we once again enter the Federal District Court in Pensacola will fly by.  Our heritage of liberty in America is literally at stake and the battle is greatly intensifying!

Please consider a financial gift today as the Lord leads you to give.

THANK YOU in advance and may God abundantly bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

P.S. The ACLU wants to bury us - but I have resolved more than ever to defend our beleaguered religious liberties and rebuild the foundations upon which America was established. Our caseload is growing and our resources are understandably stretched.

If you can financially help Liberty Counsel right now, I would be deeply grateful!  Once again, go here to donate, and if your gift is for $25 or more, you may receive a copy of my newly revised and updated book, "Take Back America":

+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

June 6, 2011