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Can prayer stop ObamaCare?

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


        Don't be misled by the fact that the liberal media

        is not mentioning the name of the Fourth Circuit

        Court of Appeals case that the Department of

        Justice (DOJ) has petitioned to be heard by the

        U.S. Supreme Court. The case is styled "Liberty

        University v. Geithner," but it seems the leftist

        press doesn't want to give Liberty Counsel or

        Liberty University any free advertising!  That's

        all right - the Lord knows the pivotal role our

        case is playing in stopping ObamaCare, and He

        doesn't get many positive mentions in the liberal

        media, either!

Here's the real question: What impact are the prayers

of over 76,000 patriotic Americans having on our

case as it moves through the federal system?  I

assure you, whether anti-God socialists want Him

involved in government or not, His Spirit is moving

to derail their tyrannical plans to create a statist

"command economy" in America!  Please read my urgent

message below - Mat.      

News that the Obama Administration's Department of Justice

(DOJ) petitioned the United States Supreme Court to hear

arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare has been

circulating for several days now.

As I reported on Friday, two of the appellate decisions

specifically mentioned in the DOJ petition are the 11th

Circuit ruling that the "individual mandate" at the core

of ObamaCare is unconstitutional, and the 4th Circuit

ruling (our case) that the penalties under the law are

actually a "tax" and are therefore not reviewable until

the first so-called "taxes" would be paid in 2014. 

        So-called "mainstream" news outlets are reporting

        that the Supreme Court would have to first rule on

        the decision by the 4th Circuit. Yet, they routinely

        avoid mentioning Liberty Counsel or our case by name

        when referring to the 4th Circuit's decision - even

        though the DOJ placed special emphasis on the

        importance of the Supreme Court taking up our case

        and resolving the "tax or penalty" issue before they

        can address the merits of any other case.

++Although the media ignores us, God's favor is upon us!

As we have known for some time, we are at the epicenter of the

legal battle against ObamaCare's outrageous government take-

over of our nation's medical system. More importantly, I

have clearly seen God's providential hand guiding the process

and blessing our strategies throughout this arduous battle! 

++Prayer is the key to bringing down ObamaCare.

In early May, as I entered the courtroom of the Fourth Circuit

Court of Appeals, I was carrying our "Amici Book," the book

filled with over 76,000 names of people who had committed

to pray for us that day and throughout this process

        God's people were faithful in their commitment to

        prayer - and I believe God has honored those petitions!

        Further, I believe the Lord has uniquely prepared

        Liberty Counsel to litigate against the takeover of

        our nation's healthcare system and for this season

        in our nation's history.

The Lord has continually honored our work and the

prayers of His people. The evidence of that is quite


I also feel that the highly unexpected ruling by the 4th Circuit

and the DOJ's appeal has all but assured that our case will be

closely considered by the Supreme Court.

Everything that has gone before was designed to get us to this

point in the best possible position.  Now, we are carefully

considering how to maximize the impact of our appeal filing

and how to best prepare for what is before us.

As a result, I must continue to invest every available legal

resource to craft our appeal.  We must answer the dangerous,

evasive ruling from the appellate court in the best possible


        Will you please consider making a special

        tax-deductible gift right now to Liberty Counsel so

        we can successfully appeal the 4th Circuit's out-of-step

        decision and STOP ObamaCare once and for all?

This is all moving very quickly since the DOJ filed its

appeal and has specifically mentioned our case in their

petition, whether the liberal media wants to acknowledge

our role or not!

Please go here to help:

There was never any doubt that the Supreme Court would be

the final arbiter of the constitutionality of ObamaCare.

But only the Lord could have thrust our lawsuit to the very

heart of the final legal disposition on the healthcare "reform"


++Now, the Supreme Court MUST rule on the "tax" issue.

In their controversial ruling, the 4th Circuit forced the

hand of the Supreme Court to determine whether the mandate

is a tax or not.  Therefore, my team has been working through

the details of our Supreme Court appeal - which now has to

reflect the appellate court's surprising "tax" ruling.

That's why I urgently need your help right now, even if you

have supported our litigation against ObamaCare before.

Our appeal to the Supreme Court is of paramount importance.

And it comes at a time when our Liberty Counsel team is

facing enormous financial and legal pressure on many other


I must continue to ask for your financial help, even if you

have helped Liberty Counsel fight the implementation of

ObamaCare before.  As you know, this is one of the most

important court battles in our nation's history.  The very

survival of our constitutional republic is hanging in the


Would you send a special gift today to help us mount the

best possible presentation to the Supreme Court while

continuing to fight many other important battles?

Please click here now to help us with a gift of any amount:

If you prefer to send a check today, please go here:

 I believe the 4th Circuit's decision was a

miracle! No one expected this ruling, which ran counter to

every other court's decision. And no one among the liberal

power elite would have wanted Liberty Counsel and Liberty

University to play such a key role in deciding ObamaCare's

ultimate fate!

        But as you know, God's invited presence in a court,

        in a legislature, in a statehouse, or in any other

        public activity makes ALL the difference! 

That's why Liberty Counsel fights so aggressively for freedom

of religious speech.  The fact is, NO nation can censor God

out of their public affairs and expect to be blessed in

their efforts!

But, conversely, ANY nation that asks His gracious presence

in their national life can expect His help!  That's exactly

why our Amici Book and the tidal wave of prayer supporting

our lawsuit against ObamaCare are making a HUGE difference

in the success of our legal efforts!

Given this rapidly developing situation, can I count on your

further help?  Please prayerfully consider how you can support

Liberty Counsel as we advance our crucial case against

ObamaCare and continue other vital efforts.  Click here

to help:

Thank you in advance for your continuing partnership with

Liberty Counsel and may God richly bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. The media may be ignoring us, but God is honoring the

prayers of His people!  It is my firm belief that our case

against ObamaCare will be heard by the Supreme Court and have

a tremendous impact in stopping ObamaCare's takeover of our

medical system in its tracks!  Please help Liberty Counsel

press forward as we prepare to take our case to the nation's

High Court!

Go here to send immediate help:

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or to  change your status, see the link at the end of this e-mail.)

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+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and

Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and

policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,

the sanctity of human life and family. 

Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776