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Protect your state from sharia law!


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Protect Your State from Sharia Law!

An Important Message from Joseph Farah,

Chief Executive Officer,


Did you know that, over the past several years, dozens of court rulings in over two dozen states have used sharia law in their decisions? (See the report here).


ACT! for America, headed up by my good friend Brigitte Gabriel, is doing something about this growing and dangerous trend.


ACT! for America, the largest national security grassroots organization in the country, is on the front lines getting laws passed in states that prohibit courts from applying sharia law.


This past spring, ACT! for America was able to get a law called “American Laws for American Courts” (ALAC) passed in Tennessee and Arizona. ACT! for America must be doing something right with this bill, because the “usual suspects” (CAIR, for example) have reacted with fury!


Michigan state representative Rashida Tlaib, a Muslim, (pictured at right) outrageously claimed that support for ALAC is “racism at its core.” This in spite of the fact that Democrats and Republicans voted for the bill and a group of moderate Muslims has come out in support of it!


What ACT! for America is doing on this front is so important that I wanted to bring a message to you from Brigitte Gabriel about their plans for 2012. I urge you to read her short message and then take action.


Thank you!



Joseph Farah


Dear Patriot and Friend of Freedom,


As my good friend Joseph said above, earlier this year we were able to get “American Laws for American Courts” (ALAC) passed in Tennessee and Arizona.


But that’s just the beginning.


We are now making plans for 2012, and that planning includes deciding which states to focus on to get this important legislation passed.


To help us make these important decisions I need to hear from you.


We’ve launched a “Pledge of Support to Protect Your State from Sharia Law” petition, and I’m asking you to add your name today. Here’s why.


We need to know how much grassroots support we can count on in every state. Because we know that groups like CAIR and their allies are going to come out swinging, spreading lies and disinformation about this bill in every state where it’s introduced.


The ALAC bill prohibits state courts from using foreign law in areas such as family law. “Foreign law” includes sharia law.


This is a powerful firewall against the intrusion of sharia law into our court system – and this is why our opponents have literally “gone ballistic” in response!


Our ultimate objective is to get ALAC passed in every state in the Union, but we’re not ready yet to fight for passage of this law in every state – so we must choose where to do so in 2012.


This is where you come in.


One element in our decision-making is the amount of grassroots support we can muster in a state. Should our opponents try to make the preposterous case that the law is “racist,” we have to have a loud and strong grassroots presence to persuade state legislators to do the right thing, ignore the lies, and pass the bill.


For this reason, we’ve launched this petition to gauge the strength of grassroots support for the bill in every state – except the states of Tennessee, Arizona, Louisiana and Oklahoma, where a bill or initiative in some form has already passed.


So I appeal to you today to let your voice be heard. Please sign the petition. Forward it to others in your state and encourage them to sign. Every person who signs will be put on the list for that state, so we can track the response to this state by state.


It’s not just the total number of names from each state we’ll be looking at. We know that larger states will likely have a lot more people sign the petition than smaller states.


This is why we’ll look at the number of names from each state as a percentage of the population of that state.


So help us in our strategic decision making. Let us know how much grassroots support there is in your state by signing our petition and forwarding it to everyone you know today!


Always devoted,




Brigitte Gabriel