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Supreme Court Justices reviewing our case!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel




      The Supreme Court Justices are now reviewing our petition

      requesting a review of the ruling of the Fourth Circuit

      Court of Appeals on our lawsuit against the so-called

      Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known

      as ObamaCare.


      Please read my urgent update below - Mat.


According to our sources, the petitions requesting a ruling by

the Supreme Court on ObamaCare were distributed to the Justices'

chambers yesterday.


The Justices will review each petition and then convene in a

closed-door session on November 10 to decide which cases will

be heard, which cases will be consolidated (if any), and whatever

other courses of action they might consider.


      It is almost certain that the High Court will accept one

      or more cases involving ObamaCare.


Politico is reporting, "Petitions from the Obama administration

and several opponents of the law - including 26 states, the

National Federation of Independent Businesses, Liberty University,

and the Thomas More Law Center - will be under consideration."


      It seems likely the Court will accept the Florida case

      brought by 26 States and the National Federation of

      Independent Businesses (NFIB), because in that case, the

      "individual mandate" was struck down at the appellate level.


      But it is also likely the Court will accept "Liberty

      University v. Geithner" (our lawsuit) because the question

      of whether the mandate is a tax or is a penalty must be

      decided before the Court can rule on the merits, and our

       case has the only challenge to the constitutionality of an

      "employer mandate," both key questions that must be resolved. 


We will likely know in the third week of November just which cases

will be heard, and the oral arguments will take place in early 2012. 

A ruling is expected before the end of June 2012 - right in the

midst of President Obama's reelection campaign!


Right now, I am calling on my Liberty Counsel team to do two



++ Please pray! 


I firmly believe that prayer is the key to bringing down ObamaCare. 

Here's why...


In early May, as I entered the courtroom of the Fourth Circuit

Court of Appeals, I was carrying our "Amici Book," the book

filled with over 76,000 names of people who had committed to

pray for us that day and throughout this process.


      God's people were faithful in their commitment to prayer -

      and I believe God has honored those petitions!  Further,

      I believe the Lord has uniquely prepared Liberty Counsel

      to litigate against the takeover of our nation's healthcare

      system and for other key battles in this season of our

      nation's history.


      The Lord has continually honored our work and the prayers

      of His people. The evidence of that is quite clear!


Further, I believe everything that has gone before was designed

to get us to this point in the best possible position.


++ Second, please consider sending a financial gift right now.


I must continue to invest every available legal resource to craft

our case - on top of all the other legal battles we have in process.

We must answer the dangerous, evasive ruling from the appellate

court in the best possible manner.


As you know, this is one of the most important court battles in

our nation's history.  The very survival of our constitutional

republic is hanging in the balance!


      Will you please consider making a

      special tax-deductible gift right now to Liberty Counsel

      so we can continue to prepare to STOP ObamaCare once

      and for all?


Please go here to help:


There was never any doubt that the Supreme Court would be

the final arbiter of the constitutionality of ObamaCare.  But

only the Lord could have thrust our lawsuit to the very heart

of the final legal disposition on the healthcare "reform" law!


      My Liberty Counsel team has been intensely and meticulously

      preparing for this ultimate ObamaCare battle for over

      18 months.


Our aggressive lawsuit against the ObamaCare healthcare "reform"

bill, which began on the same day this outrageous statist power

grab was signed into law at the White House, is now in its final

phase. ObamaCare's fate will now, finally, be decided at the

U.S. Supreme Court!


This misguided, anti-life, unprecedented law has caused great

confusion in our judicial system and has already badly stunted

our economy.  Employers will simply not hire when future

healthcare costs remain uncertain!  Further, ObamaCare brings

an unheard of expansion of the federal government's power to

micromanage personal choices and it is a certified job killer!


      Worst of all, ObamaCare is unquestionably unconstitutional.

      If Congress has the power to FORCE each person to purchase

      health insurance, then individual liberty is totally



      As we have known for some time, Liberty Counsel is at the

      epicenter of the legal battle against this tyrannical

      take-over of our nation's medical system. 


Now, as I look back over these unfolding events, I CLEARLY see

God's providential hand guiding us and blessing our strategies! 

And I expect nothing less than His blessing as we move forward!


      I must continue to ask for your financial help, even if

      you have helped Liberty Counsel fight the implementation

      of ObamaCare before - even several times before.


Would you send a special gift today to help us mount the best

possible presentation to the Supreme Court while continuing to

fight many other important battles?


Please click here now to help us with a gift of any amount:


And please pray!


Thank you, as always, for your partnership with Liberty

Counsel and may God richly bless you!


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. Yesterday the petitions were distributed to the Supreme

Court Justices for consideration of several cases against

ObamaCare. I believe our case will be heard by the High Court.

Even the Department of Justice has suggested it!  Please

help Liberty Counsel press forward as we diligently prepare

to take our case to the United States Supreme Court!


Go here to send immediate help:


+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and

Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and

policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,

the sanctity of human life and family. 


Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776


Oct. 27, 2011