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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Shariah law poses a serious threat to our way of life. Our

friends at Liberty Counsel are taking the lead to protect

us in our courts. Please see below.


Your friends at Grassroots Action


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I hope you will sign Liberty Counsel's petition to stop the

imposition of Shariah Law in our courts.


On this Veterans' Day 2011, a major conference is taking

place in Nashville on the impact of Shariah Law on the U.S.

Constitution. As you know, this conference has come under

great resistance because this issue is vital to the very

future of our nation.


In just over a day, more than 16,000 citizens have signed

our petition opposing Shariah law!  I want to support

this conference by demonstrating that thousands of

citizens are taking a stand against the move to force

our courts to accept Shariah law.


Please see below and take a moment right now to sign our

petition opposing the imposition of Shariah law in our





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My Personal Encounter with Shariah Law

By Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


Two weeks ago, I found myself directly in the crosshairs of

the growing conflict between Shariah law and our Constitution.


The Oxford Dictionary of Islam defines "Shariah law" as "God's

eternal and immutable will for humanity, as expressed in the

Quran and Muhammad's example (Sunnah), considered binding

for all believers."


In practical terms, "Shariah" also describes a movement under

way in European and American legal systems to overturn

Western civilization through the imposition of Islamic

law and culture. As a constitutional attorney, I can tell

you firsthand that this phenomenon is accelerating at an

alarming rate.


++Hotel cancels conference on Shariah law.


An important conference featuring leading experts on the

Constitution and Shariah law was originally scheduled to

be held at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee,

today.  But just days ago, Hutton Hotel banned the

conference and cancelled a perfectly valid contract,

claiming "safety concerns."


    Thankfully, the conference quickly found another

    venue, but not without great expense and difficulty.


The fact is, private companies and municipalities are facing

more and more pressure to cater to or adopt special rules

for Muslims. In one recent case, Muslim workers claimed

"unfair labor practices" because they were told to clock

out before taking prayer breaks. In another instance,

claims of discrimination were leveled when Muslim women

were told not to wear their head scarves for safety

reasons before going on a roller coaster.


And now in courts of law across this nation, Shariah law

is already being applied in case after case.


++There are actually dozens of "Shariah law" cases in our



A study by the Center for Security Policy found 50 state

court cases that considered Shariah law. To make matters

worse, these cases referenced differing variations of

Shariah law from 16 countries. The study concluded,

"[J]udges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law

even when those decisions conflict with constitutional



The Center's study was by no means exhaustive, but instead

was taken from a "small sample of appellate published cases."

That means, in reality, Shariah law could be being applied

in hundreds of other courtrooms across this nation!


++The greatest threat we face from radical Islam.


The truth is, the greatest threat our nation now faces from

radical Islam is not in the form of another 9/11 attack,

but rather in the slow, steady, and systematic implementation

of Shariah law.


It's already happening in Europe where schools are adopting

special rules for Muslim students during Rhamadan. Europe

is so far gone that the Archbishop of Canterbury (the head

of the Church of England) said that the adoption of Shariah

law is "unavoidable" and the idea that "there is one law

for everybody" is now in "a bit of a danger."


++Liberty Counsel's petition opposing Shariah law in our



When the Hutton Hotel in Nashville banned the conference

on Shariah law, I immediately sent them a strongly worded

Demand Letter objecting to their suppression of free

speech rights.


It was then that I knew we had to do more immediately.

That's why Liberty Counsel is launching a new Citizen

Petition opposing the use of Shariah law in our courts

and culture. I am asking you to be among the early

signers of this petition as, together, we build a

grassroots coalition to stop Shariah law. Go here

to sign:


The petition also supports Liberty Counsel's "Demand

Letter" sent to Hutton Hotel, and their owners at Amerimar

Enterprises in Philadelphia, protesting their anti-free

speech move to ban the conference. Go here to see our

Demand Letter:


Liberty Counsel's legal team will stand at the forefront

of those confronting this growing challenge to our

Constitution and way of life.  But right now, I need

your signature on this petition opposing Shariah law

so I can demonstrate to companies, municipalities,

political leaders, and even courts that citizens across

America are taking a stand on this vital issue!


Thank you so much for your prayers, your support, and

your action on behalf of our God-given liberties!


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that

provides news, information and grassroots action services and

strategies to individuals and organizations.


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