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Major 'Birther' Victory: Obama Is On The Run

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Jan. 19, 2012

OK Folks, turn on your fax machines! Let's support the Judge that is looking in to Obama's unlawful credential's. Call & Fax S.O.S. Brian Kemp and other SOS States. Tali

 Pass on to others! This is history in the making!

keep your fingers crossed folks, this COULD be the BIG ONE! Anyone plan on being


in the court room next week when this goes down?  Brian


Put The Secretaries Of State In ALL 50 States On Notice: Make Obama Prove That He Is Eligible To Hold The Office He Usurped Or Take Him Off The Ballot!


     They thought they could get away with it. The elites in Washington and the media hoped and prayed that this issue would go away.


     They must have been thinking: Surely, with an election close at hand, these pesky "birthers" will finally give up, go away, and let the man who never proved he was eligible to run for the office of President of the United States in the first place attempt to usurp the office a second time.


     But that's not going to happen. We can't let it happen. And now that a judge in Georgia FINALLY had the guts NOT to dismiss a case demanding that Barack Hussein Obama prove he is eligible to run for President, our cause has new life.


     When Judge Michael Malihi denied Obama's motion to dismiss the case, Attorney Orly Taitz exclaimed: "Thank you God! I am ready to cry! After 3 years of battles, for the first time a judge has ruled that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. I can now depose Obama and everybody else involved without any impediment."


     And now that our cause has new life, we must strike while the iron is hot. We need an avalanche of faxes to the Secretaries of State of ALL 50 States. We must demand that they make Barack Hussein Obama PROVE that he is eligible to run for President of the United States or STRIKE HIS NAME FROM THE BALLOT.



Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Secretaries of State for ALL 50 of the States of the United States of America, with copies going to the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Secretaries of State for ALL 50 of the states of the United States of America AND each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.



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"I Can Now Depose Obama And Everyone Else Involved Without Any Impediment."

     Taitz's statement bears repeating because, up until now, judges have played hot potato with the eligibility issue. Although Team Obama has falsely stated that judges have ruled in Obama's favor on the eligibility issue, the TRUTH is that in every single instance, Team Obama filed motions to dismiss these cases on purely procedural grounds and judges have gone along with them and simply used these motions as an excuse to avoid even hearing these cases in the first place.


     They ALL simply refused to hear the cases, but Judge Malihi drew a line in the sand. He obvious understands that no man is above the law and ruled: "The Court has jurisdiction to hear this contested case pursuant to Chapter 13 of Title 50, the 'Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.'"


     But that's not all. Judge Malihi also ruled: "The Georgia Election Code (the 'Code') mandates that '[e]very candidate for federal and state office who is certified by the state executive committee of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.' ... Both the Secretary of State and the electors of Georgia are granted the authority under the Code to challenge the qualifications of a candidate."


     In plain English, Malihi DROPPED A HUGE BOMB. He VALIDATED that the Georgia Secretary of State (and the Secretaries of State of the remaining 49 states for that matter) can't hide behind pathetic excuses. They simply can't "rubber stamp" candidate certifications, as they did in 2008.


     They have a SOLEMN DUTY to ensure that candidates that appear on the ballot PROVE they are constitutionally eligible to seek office and they have a SOLEMN DUTY to CHALLENGE THE ELIGIBILITY OF ANY CANDIDATE seeking office.


     And that's why we MUST put the Secretaries of State of ALL 50 states on notice. The man behind the curtain is now exposed. They have no more excuses.


     No matter what happens in Georgia, Malihi's ruling is a HUGE VICTORY. The Secretaries of State of all 50 states can no longer DENY that they have a SOLEMN DUTY to ensure that Barack Hussein Obama is eligible to seek the office of President of the United States!


     And it is vitally important that they know that you know it as well... and that you will be watching them!



Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Secretaries of State for ALL 50 of the States of the United States of America, with copies going to the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Secretaries of State for ALL 50 of the states of the United States of America AND each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.



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The Media Is Desperately Trying To Keep This Story Under Wraps.

     You'd think the leftist Barons of Bilge of the Mainstream Media would jump at the chance to report this ground-breaking story so that can twist it and cast more aspersions and heap more character assassinations at Taitz... but they're not reporting it because they know that there's no way to twist and distort what is going on. Malihi's ruling is wonderful news... PERIOD!


     And as things now stand, a hearing is scheduled for January 26, 2012, but we shouldn't wait until then to act.


     According to a number of published reports, Taitz is asking the court to demand that Obama produce:


  Any and all certified birth records including a long form birth certificate.



  Certified school/university registration records. Certified immigration/naturalization records.


  Certified passport records and;


 Redacted certified Social Security card applications for each of the aliases and other legal names used by Barack Obama, including but not limited to his legal surname when adopted by step-father Lolo Soetoro.

      Requests for these documents should not be diminished because, quite frankly, "highly doctored replicas" of a long-form birth certificate do not prove that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii... birth announcements published in a Hawaii newspaper do not prove that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii... and derisive comments from liberals in the media most certainly do not prove Obama was born in Hawaii.


     And moreover, even if Obama was born in Hawaii, the courts must still settle the issue, once and for all, as to whether a child born to a resident alien and a 19 year-old American citizen is a "natural born citizen."


     As litigant Kevin R. Powell wrote in his complaint, "Barack Hussein Obama II has publicly admitted his father Barack Obama Sr. was a Kenyan native and a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. Barack Obama Sr. never became a U.S. citizen. Therefore, Barack Hussein Obama II is not now and never can be a natural born citizen of the United States."


     These questions must be answered and as long as those questions remain unanswered, we are in a Constitutional Crisis. The time to stand up and save our Republic is now. Do not allow your voice to go unheard!



Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Secretaries of State for ALL 50 of the States of the United States of America, with copies going to the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Secretaries of State for ALL 50 of the states of the United States of America AND each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.



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Chris Carmouche

----- Original Message -----

From: TO


Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 9:23 PM

Subject: FW: Major "Birther" Victory: Obama Is On The Run