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Robert Green has now been denied access to the legal transcript records from his own trial


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March 11, 2012

Attached is the letter I received today from the Supreme Courts, Scotland.

Basically, I had heard a week or so ago that Robert’s lawyers had gone through the normal Court procedures to obtain a full transcript of the trial.  Robert’s lawyers had apparently informed him that they had been denied access for reasons I am unsure about.

Therefore, I wrote to Stonehaven Court under the Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002, requesting a full & unedited transcript of the trial, including any audio recording made.  I made it clear I would cover the entire costs.  They told me that I needed to write to the Supreme Court, which I did.  This morning, I received the reply attached to this note.

It would seem that the Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002 and normal legal procedures cannot assist Robert in obtaining access to these vital documents, further hampering his chances of a successful Appeal.

You couldn’t make this stuff up!