Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action
Today the nine Supreme Court Justices are scheduled to cast their preliminary votes determining the fate of ObamaCare.
With the three days of oral argument finished on Wednesday, this momentous week will conclude with a private conference of the Justices during which they will discuss the case.
Beginning with Chief Justice John Roberts and moving through the next most senior Justice to the most junior Justice, Elena Kagan, each will cast a vote on each aspect of the case. Once the majority is determined, the most senior Justice in the majority will assign the writing of the opinion.
The written opinion of the Court is expected to be released in June.
++The ideology of each Justice is crucially significant.
After listening to the intense debates at the Supreme Court, I am convinced that this decision is going to be VERY CLOSE. In fact, I believe this Court is split on ObamaCare. If the votes are cast along ideological lines, one Justice may decide the fate of ObamaCare and thus, the destiny of our nation.
That’s why I am calling upon you and all Liberty Counsel partners to be in prayer over the course of the day – and to continue praying until the final ruling is made known in June.
++Today’s vote may not be the final ruling.
As I have noted in my audio updates, there is certainly precedence for a Justice changing his or her mind after the preliminary vote at any time during the writing phase, which could even cause a shift of the majority.
At the end of May, Kennedy met with Justice Blackmun, who authored Roe v. Wade, to tell him he switched his vote. The writing of the majority opinion was therefore taken from Chief Justice Rehnquist and then became a Kennedy-O’Connor-Souter opinion upholding what became the essence of the Roe v. Wade ruling.
So, we really will not know the nature of the ruling on ObamaCare until it is delivered in June.
++Hear my special audio update on the Supreme Court hearings.
As I’ve mentioned in earlier messages, I want to share with you my thoughts on the three days of arguments and a final overview of what we can now expect. Click here to listen to my fourth special audio update or any of the preceding ones:
Overall, I am pleased with the direction of the oral arguments. I pray that a majority of the Supreme Court Justices vote to strike down ObamaCare. The President’s healthcare “reform” law has proven to be a constitutional and economic disaster.
After a two-year legal battle and a third year of active opposition to this outrageous law both before and after it was passed by Congress, I am more convinced than ever that we MUST pray for the Supreme Court – and to be delivered from the anti-life, anti-liberty ObamaCare law!
As I said yesterday, my prayer is, “God, please direct the minds of these nine Justices as they reach their decisions. Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare and its abortion mandates promoting the shedding of innocent blood.”
God bless you!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Today is crucial in that the preliminary voting by the Supreme Court Justices will take place – but the next several months are also vitally important.
I truly believe the future of our nation hangs in the balance while we await the Court’s ruling! Please pray for our nation, the nine Justices, and for deliverance from ObamaCare.
Also, just click here listen to the fourth in my series of special audio messages for Liberty Counsel supporters:
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776