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America needs you!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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April 2, 2012

Have you ever wondered why Scripture is so insistent that believers participate in their nation’s cultural and political life?  In His infinite wisdom, the Lord decreed that it would be His people who would have the power to turn His heart toward a sin-plagued nation and heal their land!

And it’s not just a few of His people who are called to respond, but ALL of His people.  That’s why I’m writing to you today, Patrick.

You and I know America desperately needs God’s healing touch. That’s why we have been led to put together a truly remarkable meeting just for believers like you in Florida this April 20 and 21. Learn more and register now for a powerful gathering called The Awakening 2012/El Despertar 2012 at Calvary Assembly in Winter Park (Orlando): 

The blend of spiritual, patriotic, and grassroots activism will have a lasting impact on your life and on the nation you love.  Please read more below – Mat. 

We have come to a critical crossroad in America’s history.  The ONLY thing that will change the decline of our once-great nation is YOU and ME and all of GOD’S PEOPLE come together and call for God’s healing touch!

We have just such an opportunity in Orlando in a few weeks. It is time for the redeemed of the Lord to gather and unite our voices!

Register now for The Awakening 2012/El Despertar 2012 at the special price of just $10 for adults, $20 for the whole family, no charge for children 18 or under, and just $5 for students.

That is an incredible bargain for all you will receive at this unique conference, and wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of groups who know just how important this meeting is!

++Real Hope. Real Change. Real Freedom.

The theme of this uniquely powerful event is, “Uniting Our Voices around Shared Values: Turning Voices into Votes.”

This is YOUR opportunity to make a difference in your nation! 

When you join with fellow believers in lifting America to the Lord for healing, you will also hear from over 60 speakers in plenary and breakout sessions that begin Friday night from 6:30-9 pm on April 20, continuing Saturday from 9 am – 5:30 pm on April 21.

YOU will get information you need to release God’s touch on YOUR community and beyond!  Honestly, if America’s Christians had not withdrawn from our nation’s cultural and political life, we would not be facing the horrific problems that are plaguing us right now.  We MUST be engaged in activities like The Awakening 2012!

Some of the vital topics include the national debt crisis, national defense, terrorism, Israel and the Middle East…

…religious liberty, marriage and the family, human and sex trafficking…

…Radical Islam and the Constitution, reaching minority and ethnic communities and the millennial generation…

…mobilizing and messaging using new, and much more!

YOU are greatly needed in this amazing event, especially in an election year with such historic consequences. Click here to register today for The Awakening 2012/El Despertar 2012. This event that will change the way you view our nation and its government, and will help release God’s Hand of mercy on our communities, our state, and our nation.

Register now to reserve your ticket.  Go to:

Patrick, I’m looking forward to seeing you there, but much more importantly, your community, state, and nation NEED you to be there!

May God richly bless you,

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S.  If you want REAL HOPE, REAL CHANGE, and REAL FREEDOM for your children and grandchildren, then plan to attend The Awakening 2012/El Despertar 2012.  Register now:


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776