17-year-old jailed for supporting her siblings
Jon Perri, Change.org
Diane Tran has a lot on her plate for a 17-year-old. After Diane's parents moved away, Diane stayed behind and started working two jobs to provide for her family -- all while taking college-level classes at her high school. But when Diane recently missed school due to exhaustion, she was charged with a crime and sentenced to pay a $100 fine and spend a night in jail.
Diane's classmate, Devin, told reporters that between a full-time job, a part-time job, and making the honor roll, it's no wonder Diane was tired. "She stays up until 7 in the morning doing her homework," Devin says.
Judge Lanny Moriarty didn't have to sentence Diane to a night in jail, but he wanted to make an example of her. "If you let one of them run loose, what are you going to do with the rest of them?" Judge Moriarty told reporters. "A little stay in the jail for one night is not a death sentence."
Samuel Oh thinks working hard to provide for your family should not be cause for criminal punishment -- so Samuel started a petition on Change.org asking Judge Moriarty to revoke the charges against Diane. Click here to add your name.
"Somehow Diane is not just an extraordinary worker and student, she's an extraordinary human being with a fighting spirit," Samuel says. "The institutions that are supposed to provide resources to youth and ensure justice are punishing her instead."
There is some good news: when a reporter recently asked Judge Moriarty if anything could be done to get him to revoke Diane's charges, he replied, "Yeah, it probably could."
Samuel believes that if thousands of people sign his petition, Judge Moriarty will take this opportunity to do the right thing and revoke Diane's charges.
Thanks for being a change-maker,
- Jon and the Change.org team