Ruth blames attorney Crouch for her indictment, but the truth is that Ruth has been using a fake Motion to Continue document to illegally continue hundreds of misdemeanor cases in district court for years, without probable cause. PER NCGS 15A-606, CASES CANNOT BE CONTINUED IN THE STATE DISTRICT COURTS. A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING IS SUPPOSED TO OCCUR AND WITHIN 21 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER A PERSON’S FIRST APPEARANCE IN DISTRICT COURT. BUT NO PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING COURT FORM EVEN EXISTS, EVEN AFTER THE AOC WAS SUED; AND THE DOJ IS INVESTIGATING THEM.
Attorney Crouch is not responsible for Judge Ruth’s failure to honor the law and the constitution. Judges don’t report to lawyers. Judges don’t report to anyone, and judicial immunity is now a national crisis.
Wake DA Willoughby charged attorney Crouch and his assistant, with conspiracy but he apparently didn’t charge Judge Ruth with a conspiracy. Why not? As a judge, Ruth is in the highest position in the courtroom and is responsible for reviewing all documents before signing them. If Crouch is guilty of conspiracy, then perhaps Ruth is too. Did Ruth, a veteran Judge in the Wake County Court, know that lawyers have allegedly been back-dating convictions? Will she testify under oath that she had no idea this was happening?
What exactly did Judge Ruth think she was signing for Crouch? Did she do the same procedure for other attorneys? Shouldn’t Willoughby try to find out if Ruth back-dated convictions for other attorneys to determine how prevalent this process is?
Perhaps DA Colon Willoughby didn’t tell the grand jury about the fake motion to continue document, because then he will have to ask Gov. Perdue for financial relief for hundreds of Judge Ruth’s victims. And Willoughby would then also have open the “can of Wake Court worms” and reveal that Superior Court Clerk Lorrin Freeman is using fake court documents (fake jury trial notification and transfer and appeal documents) to convict people. Freeman demands that defendants represent themselves in jury trials without probable cause hearings using a fake court document and the U.S. mail. Evidence is documented below on this page and throughout this site.
Here’s a link to the fake Motion to Continue document that DA Willoughby omitted to tell the grand jury about, which obstructs justice for Judge Ruth’s other victims:
The Supreme Court ruled that a prosecutor has the duty to find the truth. It’s time for Willoughby to admit the truth and prosecute the fraud in the Wake Court by his colleagues.
News & Observer “court reporter” Anne Blythe recently wrote about the Wake Court process stating “…defendants eventually give up their appeal in Superior Court and head back to District Court for sentencing.” This is FALSE. The Wake Court does not hold probable cause hearings per NCGS 15A-606, and as a result hundreds of cases are moved from district to superior court illegally. There are no probable cause hearings; no court document even exists to enforce probable cause hearings in the state’s district courts; no court document exists to allow a defendant to plead NOT GUILTY, and this obstructs justice for potentially everyone who ever was, is or will be, a misdemeanor defendant in North Carolina. Who is the source that gave Anne Blythe false information?