On August 3, 2012, a Federal District Judge in San Francisco refused to dismiss a $1 billion lawsuit against California, and several of its Attorney Generals and Deputies: Kamala Harris, James Toma, Blithe Leece, Benjamin Diehl and disgraced “investigator” Thomas Layton. The case bears index number CV 12-00987 CRB. The case remains pending by homeowners against these corrupt officials, including California’s own Attorney General Harris.
The homeowners filed the lawsuit after Kamala Harris allegedly stole their attorney client privileged files and destroyed them, right in the middle of their litigation against Bank of America and at Bank of America’s request. Homeowners from all over the Country have joined the lawsuit.
The District Judge further blocked any discovery against the homeowners until licensed attorney, Mitchell Stein, completes his litigation against Attorney General Harris and her cohorts.
The lawsuit was filed by Spire Law Group, LLP -- the law firm known for fighting corruption – and alleges that Kamala Harris acted with approval from the Obama Administration (and, in the past, from Harris’ brother-in-law, Tony West, of Obama’s Department of Justice) to “hurt homeowners while helping banks, however it can be done.”
James N. Fiedler, a 47-year member of the Bar, is lead litigator in the case for the homeowners. According to Fiedler, “the public is not stupid. Kamala Harris literally stole the litigation files of thousands of American homeowners trying to save their homes. In virtually every prior Administration I can remember – going back well prior to Ronald Reagan – the Civil Rights division of the United States Department of Justice would have intervened to protect Americans’ Civil Rights.
Do not expect Mr. Obama to protect the Civil Rights of American homeowners. As Americans have come to realize, Mr. Obama is not the friend of the American homeowner when it comes to the banks.”
Indeed, Mr. Obama has doled out more than $1 trillion to banks, while his Administration then approved of their $23 trillion drug cartel and terrorist money laundering scheme chronicled by Spire Law Group’s April 17, 2012 money laundering lawsuit in New York – Index No. 500827; and then confirmed by the Senate Subcommittee on Homeland Security in its July 17, 2012 Report recounting the literal infestation of foreign money laundering of drug cartels and terrorists that has occurred under Mr. Obama’s Administration.
According to Mr. Fiedler, “the corruption of Obama and Harris does not end there.” There is much more to report. The Firm – along with ministers and public figures nationwide – will be holding a press conference in New York, New York on Labor Day to recount additional acts of governmental corruption of these two officials that will “be the final eye-opener” to Americans on how Mr. Obama, and their“friendly” Attorneys General have stolen another $3 trillion from taxpayers in order to protect American corporations.
Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals offices in California and from the White House, but no response was provided.
About Spire Law Group
Spire Law Group, LLP is a national law firm whose motto is “the public should be protected – at all costs – from corruption in whatever form it presents itself.” The Firm is comprised of lawyers nationally with more than 250‐years of experience in a span of matters ranging from representing large corporations and wealthy individuals, to also representing the masses. The Firm is at the front lines litigating against government officials, banks, defunct loan pools, and now the very offshore entities where the corruption was enabled and perpetrated.
Source: Spire Law Group, LLP
Contact: James N. Fiedler, Esq.
Managing Partner
Spire Law Group, LLP