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Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) was a major congressional influence in ramrodding the passage of ObamaCare into law.  Now the Senator is warning, “I see a huge train wreck coming down.”  
We have seen that wreck coming from the beginning and Liberty Counsel has utilized every available resource to stop the oncoming disaster! Through God’s Grace, we have another opportunity to stop this unmitigated disaster in court through our lawsuit, Liberty University v. Geithner, and our May 16 hearing at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.  
Please read this important update on our plan to stop ObamaCare in the federal judiciary – Mat.
When President Obama signed the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) into law, he said this sweeping government takeover of America’s medical system was the result of “historic leadership” and that it was a testament to the “persistence of the American people.” 
He was right about one thing: It has certainly been historic. Now, it’s about to be a historic train wreck of epic proportions!  
The Obama administration is forging ahead with the implementation of this disastrous law. It took legislative manipulation, backroom deals, phony promises, and extreme coercion of Congress by White House arm-twisters to pass ObamaCare. 
As if this wasn’t bad enough, the original law passed by Congress contained only the framework for ObamaCare. The “mandates” and “Health and Human Services Guidelines” that are emerging were still unwritten at the time of the bill’s passage. 
We are now finding out, as former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously suggested, what’s actually in the law – more than 700 new directives so far without any congressional oversight or accountability. 
++As 2012 came to an end, the U.S. Supreme Court breathed new life into our lawsuit against ObamaCare. 
Liberty Counsel filed the first private suit in the nation against ObamaCare on March 23, 2010, Liberty University v. Geithner. Many lost hope in late June of 2012 when the Supreme Court announced it was upholding the “individual mandate” at the heart of ObamaCare. 
But then our ObamaCare lawsuit was prominently featured by major media sources when, on Nov. 26, 2012, the High Court signaled that a majority of Justices were interested in revisiting the constitutional issues we raised. 
I will reargue the case at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on May 16, and then we may well be back before the High Court later this year. 
Liberty Counsel represents Liberty University and two private individuals in this case. Our case is the most comprehensive and significant challenge to ObamaCare in the country!
Liberty Counsel is challenging (1) the employer mandate; (2) the abortion mandate for religious employers; (3) the abortion mandate for individuals; and (4) the entire law, because tax bills must originate in the House and Harry Reid launched ObamaCare in the Senate.
++The unconstitutional “mandates” in ObamaCare must be struck down at all costs!
If we are successful, the employer mandate will be struck down. ObamaCare not only fails to exempt all employers of conscience who do not want to pay for abortions, but it mandates that all taxpayers pay for other people’s abortions through a compulsory insurance surcharge. 
The collision between religious freedom and ObamaCare’s mandates is unprecedented in American history. While ObamaCare is a major threat to life and liberty, there is increasing hope that we can bring down this giant. 
We will not rest until ObamaCare is defeated. This law must not stand! 
Unless ObamaCare is stopped in court, on January 1, 2014, this nightmarish law will be in full force – ushering in the totality of a new era of health care in America that is the most invasive intrusion upon American liberty in our nation’s history, implemented by our own government.  
Our world-class healthcare system is in a downward “death” spiral – and ObamaCare is the principal cause. 
++We are coupling our legal argument with fervent prayer!
I firmly believe that Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare has an excellent chance of ridding our nation of this unconstitutional, immoral, and fiscally unsound law. 
That’s why I’m pleased that you have entered your name in our all-new Amici Book! 
Our Amici Book, already bearing the names of nearly  75,000 friends of Liberty Counsel (including yours) who are committed to pray for us throughout this process, will accompany us in the court battle to derail ObamaCare! 
++Get your copies of ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover
As a signer of Liberty Counsel’s powerful Amici Book (“Book of Friends”), you’ve told us that you will pray and for that I will be ever grateful. 
Now, I have something for you.  Please take advantage of obtaining a very special Liberty Counsel resource! 
ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover. 
You should know the hidden dangers of ObamaCare lurking inside the so-called “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Law” – and now dramatically expanded to over 15,000 pages of government addendums and regulations.
ObamaCare will alter virtually every aspect of the American way of life: our finances (nationally, corporately and individually), our individual choices, our freedoms, our rights of conscience, and of course our world-class healthcare system. 
Every American – young and old – will feel the sting of ObamaCare.
This must-have, 100-page booklet exposes the looming disaster of ObamaCare. 
Please click here to learn more about the opportunity to obtain the book on ObamaCare that is an essential resource for every American business, family, and individual.
God bless you for joining us in this critical initiative!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. ObamaCare is a train wreck.  It is a law of broken promises and unconstitutional and immoral mandates. ObamaCare Exposed: The Legal and Fiscal Consequences of the Healthcare Takeover reveals the threats to every American household.  
Click here now to obtain this valuable resource:
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776