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10 point relief plan when facing rampant pirates in collapsing corporate controlled societies

Ukadia Blog

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June 4, 2013

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For years, Ucadia has been researching, compiling and building a clear collective of canons of law that underpin all forms of law, including what little law is still followed in modern courts.  For months and months we have shared through this blog, various key aspects of this knowledge such as the comprehension of key concepts like person, trust, estate, agent, property, writs, bills, charges, agreements and contracts.
Literally hundreds of hours of audios have been done; dozens of template examples, articles, links and blogs have all been provided and thanks to some of you who have chosen to support, your financial support has allowed this research and material to continue.
Yet for all this material, for all these articles, for all these examples and documents, many have said, it is too complex, there is just too much; or I don’t get it.  Sometimes, this seeming overwhelming nature to the material has been used and manipulated by various disinfo agents to persuade people not to read Ucadia – “It’s all gobbled-gook” some say; or “It doesn’t work” others say.
So in response, a few months ago, I posted a concise series of audios and blogs on trusts, estates and agents.  Again people complained and said there is too much information and what they want is just how to fill in a form and send it off like some “remedy gurus” claim you can do and magically all our problems disappear.
So in response, two weeks ago and briefly again last week we discussed the key revelation that (1) the courts now in most places around the world are nothing more than for-profit limited liability trading businesses masquerading as legitimate courts of justice; and that (2) the case number they create and make public is proof that a legal person having unlimited liability and contract was created without your permission; and that (3) a limited liability corporation that is supposed to represent the law and justice believes it can get away with creating an unlimited liability corporation in defiance of all known logic, common sense and maxims of law since the beginning of time.
Furthermore, we showed that no matter how corrupt the system, it still cannot get past the basic logic of firstly needing a legal person under its jurisdiction as a trading business before secondly laying any charges. As proof the courts are corporations masquerading as true courts of justice we gave proof in the form of courts not being able to issue writs and bills, as in the true bill at the beginning of the system of justice in the colonies and the foundation of the United States and writs in the form of common law and the maxims of law as expressed clearly by Lord Blackstone in his Commentaries on the Laws of England that remains the cornerstone of comprehension of common law until the beginning of the 20th century.  But instead of writs and bills we showed that the courts issue orders and invoices.   Why?  Because they do not have the powers of the higher estates.
Despite all this yet again, the concern came back that “there is simply too much information”, or “Ucadia is it is too complex” or people say they just “don’t get it”; or “they don’t have time to read that much information”; or “they’ve heard it is not 100% reliable and guaranteed for immediate results”.   So what do we do?
Some people are getting forms of relief, despite a system clearly out of control. You have heard a number of people come on if you listen to the weekly Q and A forums on the University of Ucadia calls.  Others are finding ways to solve problems using the material we have shared, so the arguments that it is impossibly hard, or the argument that it doesn’t’ work or that ‘you don’t get it’ is simply not accurate.  But every concern needs to be considered.   Every argument needs to be investigated.  So, what do we need to do to get this knowledge through?
How about I speak as plainly, as clearly, as simply and as logically as I possibly can so that anyone who knows how to read and spell can comprehend; so that anyone who knows how to send an email, or use Google can comprehend.  It is not that people are becoming less intelligent; I think it is that we are simply so bombarded for our attention by an unprecedented number of devices that it is harder and harder for us to truly take the time and learn.   Chances are you will have to interrupt this audio and blog more than once to attend to an sms, or text, or email or call every few minutes – that is the norm.
But I do listen to what people write and say to me.  I am conscious of people’s concerns and it pains me to hear when people are suffering.  And you are right, we need to speak, write and talk plainly and simply.   So the topic tonight then is a 10-point relief plan when facing the rampant pirates in a collapsing corporate-controlled society.
Where do we start?
Before we go through the 10 point, step by step relief plan, let’s start with 10 most important key facts we need to know first.
Fact #1 – The truth sometimes takes time to be revealed. The truth often hurts.
Just because it may not have been broadcast on television, or you have not read about it before, does not make it untrue. Who could have imagined the Obama White House would have been so stupid to openly demand the IRS use its resources to attack groups it deemed a political threat to its agenda such as the Tea Party?  At the time, who could have imagined that a Vice President like Dick Cheney would have arranged faked evidence of chemical weapons to send hundreds of thousands of Americans off to War with the resulting tens of thousands of casualties and thousands of deaths as a consequence?  Who could have imagined Congress willingly blocking benefits for 9/11 first responders more than once while secretly revising laws to continue to make themselves immune from insider trading laws designed to stop government corruption and conflict of interest?
When we are talking about a corrupt system, a corrupt corporate system it should not be too far fetched for people to fathom, should it?  We’re not attacking the Constitution or the institution and notion of Justice and Fair Courts or the Office of the President.  
Instead, we are merely pointing out that along the way, some shady deals have been done and the net result is that instead of the courts being at arms length with some degree of fairness, now judges, magistrates, clerks and others have a direct financial interest in the monetizing criminal and civil cases, which is in direct violation of all known maxims of common law, the constitution and fair justice.
The truth hurts.  Sometimes it takes a long time for the truth to come out.  For example, most Americans, Canadians, Australians and most people living in Europe still believe the courts may be a little haywire, but they still basically function OK.  I would suggest that most would probably be sick to their stomachs if the mainstream media ever stopped being collaborators and supporters of organized corruption and started exposing this kind of organized crime of making money from crime by monetizing court cases.
Fact #2 – The people who work as judges, magistrates, prosecutors and attorneys are not evil people
As I have said repeatedly over and over and over, the vast majority of people who are members of the Private Bar Guilds, who we call “pirates”, are themselves fundamentally good people.  They are overwhelmingly intelligent, civic minded, conscientious, taxpaying, good natured people trapped in a system that demands they behave as the very worst of tyrants and torturers.
This is not an unfamiliar site.  In fact the infamous 1970’s psychology experiment in California where under graduate students were split into prisoners and prison guards and then filmed was able to prove that the best candidates for those the system wants to be the overseers of pain, misery and injustice are those that actually have a conscience, that have morals, that are conflicted by their jobs.   Why?  This is because, such internal conflict forces self regulation, self entrapment, stronger compliance and guilt; whereas a lack of moral character such as pure sociopath is unable to exhibit the same level of self constraint and risks destroying the very system.  It is why pure sociopaths are so limited in their employment within the matrix.
When we address the injustice of the system, the horror of the system, the corruption of the system, we do not and should not attack those who choose or feel forced to work for such evil as the enemy.  The system is the enemy, not the people who work for it.  Some may disagree.  The matrix hopes that some of you vehemently disagree and instead seek to get personal against a judge, or magistrate or member of the private BAR guild.  Why?  When we get personal against these people, when we make it personal those that feel themselves in conflict no longer feel in conflict.  
Those that feel guilty for the injustice they inflict no longer feel guilty for the injustice they inflict.  Instead they embrace and relish the full force of powers that the system gives them to exhibit their roles.  Despite an eye for an eye producing blind people, whenever people “seek revenge” or anger, or response by acting against the men and women instead of the system, strengthens the monster called discord and control.  It is an absolute truth that only knowledge, passive resistance and divine forgiveness is capable of weakening such a beast.
Fact #3 – The system is broken
The system is incapable of settling its accounts, settling its bills and of running its operations and maintaining its systems.  It is incapable of keeping the bridges up, or running education.  It is incapable of managing technology.  The system is broken.  As I have said repeatedly over and over and over, the vast majority of people who are members of the Private Bar Guilds, who we call “pirates”, are themselves fundamentally good people.  They are overwhelmingly intelligent, civic minded, conscientious, taxpaying, good natured people trapped in a system that demands they behave as the very worst of tyrants and torturers.
Fact #4 – The people who run the system know it is broken
The very design of the system means that for many, it still serves their interest to see the system continue.  The old argument that was put by Secretary (of Treasury) Paulson when confronted by, at that time, President Bush with one of the great quotes of the beginning of the financial crisis when he said, “You have to give 700 billion, no questions asked.  Give it to us right now.”  What did he do?  He gave it to all his mates.   It did nothing but plunge the country into a worse financial position.  What did Secretary Paulson allegedly say?  “You may not like the banks, you may hate the banks, you may want to arrest all the executives of the banks, but you can’t.  They are too big to fail and there is no alternative.”  
So people know who are in positions of power that the system is broken and they still maintain the argument that there is no alternative.  You know what we are going with Ucadia and you know that all the time spent on the 22 canons of law and the 33 codes of law is to repudiate that and say, “no, there are alternatives.”  Not only are those alternatives considered, are comprehensive, efficient, viable, implementable, structured and are ready, so there is no more excuse to argue that the system has to be propped up and stumble along for a few more months. 
Fact #5 – The courts are for-profit businesses no different in theory to your local bank or real estate agent
The courts are for-profit businesses no different in theory to your local bank, real estate agent, or grocery.  I don’t think your grocer intimidates people as much as the judge or magistrate does.  The point is that even though we hear these words, even though we absorb this information, the imaging that so many of us have gone through when we have faced the courts is that we still see them as these occult temples of magic, rather than what they have become.  What they have become as I have said are no different than an accountant, a bank, real estate agent, insurance broker,  local grocer, supermarket or business.   They are a business and they are in the business of making money.   How do they make money?   Well, they look for controversy and they monetize those controversies and they factorize the monetization of those securities and they make their cut and then pay the people from whom they purchased the controversy.   They are pirates and brokers.  They are business people. 
Fact #6 – The corporate for-profit courts actually have very little power over you
Now under statutes of course, you see a great deal expressed and claimed of the courts of jurisdiction and under many jurisdictions contracts are not enforceable unless they state the jurisdiction that they are subject to is the jurisdiction of the particular corporation.  But, when we are talking about magistrate courts for example or district court, even a supreme court, the amount of power they really have is vastly less than the imaging of what they claim.   
The reason is simple: they are not the estate.  They are not the original courts.  They are not what some people would call the dejure courts.  They are proxies and agents; they are corporations.  Like we said, an original estate under the common law structure of the western Roman system could and would indeed issue writs.   Now, the corporate courts can only issue orders.   And orders are effectively offers enforced by intimidation and hired thugs.  Under the original system, bills could be issued.  Hence, you had the exchequer.  Now not even true bills can be issued; instead invoices are issued and this is a form of offer.   What the courts do and have done very well, and the transition of the courts from de jure to corporate mirrors in many ways the brilliance when you take the transition of gold and silver standard money in the 30’s to pure fiat or ‘faith in credit’ or private money then the transition has been pretty seamless. 
The way they get away with this is firstly on presumption and obviously the intimidation is there and the buildings still look like de jure courts and they are very good at tricking us and getting us to act in dishonor.  I’ll give an example of where courts have very little jurisdiction when we get to the 10 steps.  If a court wins a piece of business by another corporation that has a contract with us and places that contract in a state of suspension, or what is often known as a cancellation, for example, a transport department may place a license in suspension.  The health department may suspend some health benefit, or the tax office may suspend some trading rights.   Then the court at one level may claim through that by default that they have been hired by that corporate group as an independent contractor to arbitrate, to mediate the dispute.  But if you have signed and sealed an agreement, even if you have signed and sealed a deed like a marriage the corporate court has no right over that.  They may claim to through licensing, but in reality has no right over a marriage particularly when a covenant has been sealed and the words spoken, let no man break this covenant.
The court has absolutely no right to step into those contracts.  It has been shown even this week that these corporate courts have very little influence over employment contracts even if those employment contracts admit to be subject to the jurisdiction of the local state or the local nation which are corporations acting as states and nations.  And when push comes to shove the court really has no way of proving that it can directly injure, influence and impede the function of an external contract like an employment contract.   What am I saying?  Let’s say the court demands that you attend a hearing and on that day you are unable to attend because it would impact adversely your employment.  Under your employment contract the court is really claiming that it can step all over that contract and it cannot step all over it. 
What is another agreement the court has absolutely no influence over.  What if you had an agreement, some form of provable contract with the Divine Creator?   That would be impressive wouldn’t it?  What do you think the Ucadia Will and Testament is all about?  I’m serious about this:  there are disinformation agents who have gone out there and copied the Ucadia Will and Testament and made their own claims.  There are people who have gone out and said, “On behalf of the whole world we claim this…” That is not what Ucadia does and that is not what is at the heart of One Heaven (  The Will and Testament and the example template that we have gone through over and over again is a sacred, solemn, immutable covenant between you and the Divine.  It does not include me, it doesn’t include someone else, it doesn’t include some agent for the status quo, and it is between you and the Divine.
So, if you have actually done and perfected your Will and Testament, listened and followed through and done that work and prepared and have all that paperwork in order then there are contracts that the corporate court has no jurisdiction over.   The only way the corporate court can overcome that is by fear and intimidation.   
Fact #7 – The main weapons for the courts to control you are fear and intimidation
When Abraham Lincoln ushered in such bloodshed and misery and destroyed so much of the United States when the North had far more slaves than the South, the North continued slavery far longer than the South, he made the infamous statement, “might is right.”  He wasn’t the first to say that; many tyrants have said that.  Indeed, what I hear from people about their frustration and survival they say, “This is all great, but when push comes to shove they’ll send sheriffs, bailiffs, private militia and they will just beat you up and taze you.  They will shoot you.  What can you do in defense of that?”  What I say is that there really is not a lot that you can do other than avoid, if at all possible, putting yourself in the position of being shot, tazered.  But keep in mind the first fact we said tonight:  the truth hurts.  The truth sometimes takes a long time. 
The whole reason that we spend so much time with the material regarding Ucadia is not because  we like doing, because we think it is fun and the more complex it is, the better it is.  It is the recognition that unless you systematically, forensically, and persistently remove the veil, expose the pirates and drain the swamp, then our children and our children’s children may find themselves not only in an existing system as bad as it is, but a possibly even worse system, because we failed to make a stand.  When we get to the relief, we will address that issue of control through fear and intimidation.  I recognize that it is a very real and in fact it is the main weapon of the pirates.
Fact #8– The secondary weapons of the courts are promoting incompetence and dishonor
How many times have I heard people say, “Don’t go to court. Ignore them.”   If you ignore cancer does it go away?  If you ignore a hole in your head does it go away?  If the house is on fire and you ignore it, does the fire stop?   I don’t know too many things in the world to ignore, other than possibly ignoring people’s abuse.  And, that is hard.  I don’t know if there are too many times where ignorance produces some kind of positive outcome.  What the disinformation agents, and I don’t mean someone who disagrees with Ucadia is a disinfo agent, and if people have a difference with Ucadia then “good on them.”   If people are skeptical of what we say that is great.  But I believe that I can stand by the claim that today there are still a good number of people who are either paid money like Judas, or do it for free as agents that confuse, distract, entrap and cause great misery.   Some do it for the glory and some do it because they are driven by hatred.  Some do it because they just like hurting people, or because it’s their jobs.  But the courts rely heavily on the promotion of disinformation to keep the veil of confusion.  The simpler it gets, the clearer it gets.  The simpler the language, the clearer it is.  As I have said we know that courts are corrupt. They know that the courts are corrupt.
Fact #9– The courts know they are committing fraud and will do anything to maintain the veil of public ignorance
Once that veil of public ignorance is lifted, it’s over.   Once the court as a for-profit business creates a case number as the legal person it rarely backs down.  Before we talk about relief, let’s review what I hope everyone on this call will consider and accept as 10 key facts:
1.    the truth as the statement of the obvious sometimes takes time to be revealed and it often hurts;
2.    people who work as judges, magistrates, prosecutors, and attorneys by definition are not evil people;
3.    the system is broken;
4.    the people who run the system know the system is broken;
5.    the courts are for-profit businesses, no different in theory than your local bank or real estate agent;
6.    the corporate for-profit courts have very little power over you;
7.    the main weapons for the courts to control you are fear and intimidation;
8.    the secondary weapon for the courts are promoting incompetence and dishonor;
9.    the courts know they are committing fraud and they will do anything to maintain the veil of public ignorance and 
Fact #10– Once a court as a for-profit business creates a case number and legal person, it rarely backs down
Finally, as we have made clear these past weeks, once the private for-profit business has created a case number as proof a limited liability corporation has created without your permission an unlimited liability corporation in your name, they will not yield.  They will rarely if ever back down.  They will lose paperwork, lie, cheat, intimidate and anything and everything to close that case and make their money.
The only chance and opportunity to stop such piracy effectively is at the very beginning Despite magistrates and judges clearly having an interest and therefore sitting with unclean hands; Despite judges and magistrates refusing to disclose their interest and failing to follow due process in our favor and therefore deliberate bias, they will not be recused; Despite not having our permission to use our property and name and the use of intimidation and obstruction of justice, the Attorney Generals and District Attorneys will not withdraw such matters as malicious prosecutions.
So there are the 10 facts before we talk about the 10 points of relief when facing rampant pirates in a collapsing, corporate-controlled society.  What then are the 10 points of relief?
10 Points of Relief
Here then are the ten points of relief.  Keep in mind these ten points reflect the 10 facts we have just reviewed.  If we were living in sensible times, then some of the following points would be different.  As the facts state, we are not.
Point #1 – Re-read and re-listen to the 10 Facts we have just discussed
Later, go back and listen to them again after we go through this audio.  Re-read what we have said and see the 10 facts.  See if that ‘sits with you’ and you have accepted that.  That is the first and the biggest challenge.  If you don’t accept that the courts are for-profit and you are still thinking that there is some resemblance of honor, you have a problem.  You are not seeing it for what it is.  If you think the system can be repaired, you have a problem.   
The system under corporations is broken.  It’s not the end of the world, but it is certainly the end of the corporate world.   If you are approaching the courts by attacking the men and women that work for them then you have a problem as you are not dealing with the system.  If you are listening to all kinds of different remedies out there that people pop up and you find yourself moving from guru to guru, again you have a problem.  So, Point 1 is to re-listen to the audio and re-read the 10 facts we have just discussed. 
Point #2 –Rediscover respect and awe for life and the world
What is point 2 of finding relief when facing the rampant pirates in this collapsing society around us?  This may sound counter-intuitive, horrible, and strange for people, of what I am about to say as the world crumbles around you and injuries mount up and the madness sees no bounds.  So the second point is to rediscover respect and awe for this life and the world.  How could that possibly be a point in regards to finding relief if one is going to  court, facing foreclosure, facing imminent prison, or if one is dealing with people that have bashed you up, hurt you or imprisoned someone you love?  It is that when we abandon hope, when all we see is doom, when we agree and subscribe to the belief that this is complete and total physical end of the world, that we are not just passive witnesses to the status quo.  We are active participants in the state of mind that doesn’t just keep the system going, but gives the system hope that it will outlive this crisis.  Why?  Because people who surrender hate the world. 
People that hate life are people that subscribe to the mindset, illness, madness and veil that is covering the world today.  If you don’t respect life, if you don’t give hope to the world, then why bother?  You are not part of the solution.  If you hate the world, then buddy you have a real imaging problem.  I’ve said this before; do you think you only live once?  Do you think this is the only time you have been here?  If the answer is yes then I’d say, go ahead and be a problem.  Depression, anger, hate, self-destruction are massive monsters we are dealing with.  It is ultimately futile if we think that we can move forward and achieve some temporary relief.  Even if we achieve it, we are not addressing the underlying issues.   Do you think people who have lots of money are happy?   Why do you think psychiatrists and people living in New York and issue of suicide knows no demographic?  More people with money, and coming from relative affluence, are killing themselves than people who don’t have money and affluence.  Our attitude has a profound influence, not only on how we see ourselves, our lives, this world, but fundamentally on any form of relief when we are facing attack.  That is why rediscovering respect and awe for life and the world after re-reading and re-listening to the 10 facts we just covered, is Point 2.
Point #3 –Embrace a life of honesty and personal responsibility
Again some people may find this a bit odd, but it is closer when we talk about law and our word.  That is to embrace a life of honesty and personal responsibility.   If you are just trying to use law to get back at someone, you are not better than the system and the judges and lawyers who know that they are committing fraud.    You are part of that.  You are just looking for a way out.  If you hurt someone and did it at a time of anger with the intention to hurt, you have to face up to that fact.   I’m not condoning the system if it has been over-bearing on you.  I have to say that the system tends to favor those that are frequent committers of crime and crucifies those people who have only done one thing wrong in their lives.   This is out of balance in that respect.  If you are not honest with yourself, then there is no way to find relief and certainly not when the system falls apart.  If you are not willing to take personal responsibility, then there is no hope for you. 
I remember a fellow who came to me three years and his name has been linked to mine a few people when people want to have an issue.  I had no idea that as I spoke to this man for hours and hours and he kept saying yes that he had forgiven all that was happening and I had no idea that he was just giving me complete lip service.  Behind the scenes he was sending out threatening and hateful letters and he was accusing everyone of everything under the sun and he was completely out of control.  In the end he got a relatively light sentence compared to what he could have gotten.  
He could have gotten 20 years.   In the end they gave him a sentence that means he should be out on parole in a year and a half or two.  It was a very light sentence relative to what could have happened.   The point is no that he avoided that, but that he accused all these people, said all these horrible things about them and blamed others like myself and got others to blame them and he has never once has appeared to have taken personal responsibility, not given one inch, on what he did in attacking people in trying to lien their homes and destroy their careers because he felt they had destroyed his life. There was no honesty or personal responsibility whatsoever.
I remember getting an email from a fellow and I ended up speaking with him.  When he called me up and said he had a problem, I said I couldn’t as I didn’t have the time.  He was most insistent and pleaded that it was a travesty of justice.  I asked him what the problem was, and I wasn’t going to give him legal advice.   He said that he was caught drunk driving.  I asked if he had been drinking and he said that yes he had but that was not the point.  I said that it absolutely was the point.  I know of people who have died because of people who were drunk and on drugs.  They hit them on the road and they were killed by people with drugs and drinking.  If you drink and drive in Australia you are a bloody idiot.   So I said to him that I couldn’t help him if he wouldn’t take personal responsibility; he was just looking for a loophole. Ucadia is not about shirking responsibility; it is about embracing it.   It is strength, not a weakness.
Point #4 –Guard your word/promise; Defend your honor
When a corporate system wants to come in and claim jurisdiction over you and trample all over your word, hopefully you have your Will and Testament.   That is an immutable agreement and covenant between you and the Divine.  Are you going to defend yourself?  If you have a marriage and you then have an agreement through that the court has no jurisdictional power to step in and intervene with that.  If you have an employment agreement and the court wishes to risk an injury of attacking your ability to earn an income, you absolutely have an ability to defend that.  They have no right over that contract.  If you have children and you have entered into a position of guardian for your children, and your children recognize your role as guardian, then you have a solemn covenant with your children and the courts have no rights to step in there and interfere in the lives of your children.  
Courts recognize that children from a young age can enter into contracts and they do it all the time.  What do you think the Birth Certificate is?  Why do you think they put the foot print of the child on the Birth Certificate in places?  It’s in their statutes that infants can enter into agreements.   They are in law?  Why can’t we have covenants and the agreements of the guardianship as our roles with our children?  These courts have no right to interfere with that contract.  They have to prove it—where is your proof that the court can override that agreement?   So Point 4 is to guard your word, guard your promises and defend your honor.
Point #5 – Commit enthusiastically to a life journey of learning and development
Life is a journey of learning; of course it is a learning experience whether we like it or not.   We experience life whether we like it or not and we will learn from that whether we like it or not.  If we don’t learn from it, we may end up doing it again in another life time.  If we don’t embrace learning, if we are not prepared to learn and to do then it is very difficult to demonstrate competence.  In fact I would suggest to you that it is impossible to demonstrate competence if one is a.  Not willing to learn and b.  Not willing to do.  Sitting there and doing nothing is not going to make the problems you have go away.
These may sound odd and they are not.  The court is merely a reflection of the tacit or implicit acceptance by many who are acting as slaves and behaving as animals, showing incompetence, demonstrating negative, having absolutely no personal responsibility and having no honesty.  We have bought hook line and sinker what they have offered.  What have they offered?  Lie, cheat, steal, behave like children, behave like errant children, and we will assume the role as your parent.  You know what?  A lot of us said, “Great” I’ll do this and you do that and off we go.”  It makes us very hard to come back later and say we are not too happy about that.  That is why these points are so important. 
Let’s review:
          Point 1: re-read and re-listen to the first 10 facts; 
          Point 2:  re-discover respect for awe and for life and the world;
          Point 3:  embrace the life of honesty and responsibility;
          Point 4:  guard your word and promise and defend your honor;
          Point 5: commit enthusiastically to a life journey of learning and development;
Point #6 –Forgive and release those grievances that have chained you
Release yourself, forgive and heal yourself by releasing those grievances.  You know the burden that so many people feel that they acquire whenever they have gone through a court case and they may have faced prison and great hardship and loss.  Is it necessarily the prison itself?   Is it necessarily the loss in the eyes of people in public who think, “Oh, there’s a criminal.  He must have done something terrible for that.”  Or, family, who are the worst of judges.  It is through that process we may think we have and in many cases we have not forgiven those that we feel have aggrieved us, let alone ourselves.  That is the pain and the burden that we carry is that we made such a massive stuff-up in our lives that we are unable and unwilling to release that.
Do you know what beats of you?  People die and it’s a tragedy when parents see their children die.  It’s a tragedy.   I cannot imagine the heartache and the heartbreak, much less if that occurs in some terrible circumstance.  But to think that holding grievances have no effect, just look at how that absolutely destroys people by holding on to hatred, bitterness and grief and agony.  It swallows them up.  Watch their hair go gray.  Watch their bodies deteriorate and their teeth rot. Watch their bodies completely go as well as their minds, everything about them.  This won’t happen in 15 years; in some cases this happen in just a few years.  People lose their vibrancy and zest.  Please forgive and release those grievances that chain you, both the grievance that you feel for yourself and the grievances you feel for others.  
Point #7 –Accept cheerfully you cannot control the desperation of tyrants
You cannot control the desperation of tyrants.   You know what is going to happen when the public wakes up?  These systems are not going to ease up; they are going to get worse.   The more people that realize what the courts really are and what the courts really do will see the system get worse.  It’s not going to change; it will become worse by using more force and more intimidation and why?  That is history.  I wish it wasn’t but people are caught out over history and this just seems to be the way.   Until they are run out of town, until they are arrested, until they face the consequences for their actions, those running the system will just get worse and worse.  Accept it; it’s a fact.  You cannot control what they do.  So, don’t fear it.
Point #8 –Gather your affairs in order
Get you affairs in order; get your estate in order.  Get your Will and Testament done.  Get your seal done.  These are not esoteric things; they don’t belong in the category of: “Awww, it sounds like too much work.”   The process of the Will and Testament means something.  If you want to see the end of this injustice, be part of it, and don’t be a passive observer.  Don’t just be a passenger on the bus, the train or the ship.  Get your affairs in order.   And, go back and listen to the audios and the blogs that we did on trusts, estates and agents, please. 
Point #9 –Simplify your life and fear nothing as you are already immortal
There is nothing that these pirates and tyrants can do to destroy the essence of you.   They can arrest you, they can put the fear into you, they can try to torture you, but at the end of the day, even if they destroy your body they cannot destroy you.   In fact that is not what they are trying to do.  The vast majority of what they do with you is try to play with your mind.   We are not at a point yet where the police in most industrialized countries are openly and outwardly going out and straight out killing people.   They kill a few people, they may have increased the number of people they kill, but they still by and large arrest people.  Most of that is for the intimidation of the mind.  So, simplify your life; go for a walk if you can.  Don’t place so much emphasis on the things around you.  And, absolutely have no fear whatsoever.  Realize that you are immortal; that is the essence of The Journey of UCAThat is the message in all of this:  life is a dream and the dream has rules.  Awareness loves life; life loves awareness.   This is the Journey of Ucadia and the Journey of UCA.  
Point #10 –Pray for others and the world
Pray; bring prayer back into your life.   Give yourself some discipline and something unselfish beyond your own problems and the problems of you and possibly your family.  Bring prayer back into your life.   Whether you believe it or not, the 10 points I have given tonight are the 10 best points that I can really offer you.  They are very practical.  If you adopt them they will have an almost immediate effect.  You will see benefits.  This is not a hollow promise:
1.    Re-read and re-listen’
2.    Re-discover respect and awe for life and the world;
3.    Embrace the life of honesty and personal responsibility;
4.    Guard your word, your promises and defend your honor;
5.    Commit enthusiastically to a life journey of learning and development;
6.    Forgive and release those grievances that have chained you;
7.    Accept cheerfully that you cannot control the desperation of tyrants;
8.    Gather you affairs in order;
9.    Simplify your life and fear nothing as you are already immortal;
10.Pray for others and for the world.
I hope this audio and the broadcast tonight does give something practical and straight-forward, and some plain and simple answers as people want.   I cannot force anyone to do anything. I know you frustrated and I know I get frustrated.  But, I hope and trust that this provides some tangible way of stepping forward if you haven’t already embraced many, if not all of the things we spoke about. If you have, then good on you.  If you are someone who is able to help Ucadia, thank you.  Without your help and support we could not, and I would not be able to do what we do.   As always I look forward to answering your questions on the regular Q and A on Wednesday EST 9:00 PM, pin 90342#.    
Until we speak, please be safe, be well, and embrace every thing in life.  Until we speak again, thank you and good night.