Ex-Obama Justice Dep't attorney: Administration is 'stoking racial resentment'
The Justice Department spent thousands of dollars and dedicated manpower toward efforts to convince Florida authorities to press charges against George Zimmerman, a revelation a former Obama Justice Department attorney says is taking a racial agenda to a new level.
According to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, the Justice Department spent more than $5,300 after being “deployed” to Florida to “work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting death of an Africa-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.” It was all related to the public pressure for prosecutors to charge Zimmerman with murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
The effort was conducted by the Community Relations Service within the Justice Department. Its job is traditionally to maintain calm in the midst of a volatile atmosphere, influenced by race or any other factor.
“They go down wherever there’s a hot spot, and they’re supposed to act as a buffer between the two sides. They’re supposed to explain to people how to behave, explain to the opposing sides what to do and what not to do, essentially just to calm things down. They’ve been doing this since the 1960s,” said J. Christian Adams, who served in the civil rights division of the Justice Department under President Obama.
Adams told WND it’s clear the Justice Department had no intention of being a buffer in this case.
“What’s troubling about it is that Justice only showed up after jokers like New Black Panther Malik Zulu Shabazz were holding press conferences demanding bounties be put on George Zimmerman’s head. Did Community Relations Service come down and lecture Malik Zulu Shabazz about such incendiary language? I very much doubt it. This is the same Malik Zulu Shabazz whom I sued in federal court and (Attorney General) Eric Holder cut loose in the voter intimidation case out of Philadelphia. Like so many other things with this Justice Department, the Community Relations Service seems to be on one side, stoking racial resentment,” he said.
Adams said the bias in the Zimmerman case within the Justice Department came early and often, including public comments from Holder and even Obama, who stated that if he had a son, he would look like Martin.
“This is a Justice Department that should have kept its hands off things in Florida, but instead seemed to pour gasoline on the fire,” he said.
The actions of the Justice Department have frequently troubled Adams over the past few years, particularly within the civil rights division, but he said this type of involvement takes the activity to a much more troubling level.
“In all the other scandals involving the civil rights division, usually what happens is a state like South Carolina gets blocked from their voter ID or a business gets sued,” Adams said. “In this particular case, however, an innocent man might go to prison. That raises the level of the Justice Department taking sides to a whole new mode of misbehavior that Eric Holder, in the past, has not even done.”