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Special'take down' units move into action on verge of Pope’s resignation

The Unhived Mind

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  • Jul 4, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Special “take down” units move into action on verge of Pope’s resignation

    Posted on June 29, 2014

    Important Notice from ITCCS Central and the Common Law Court – June 29, 2014 – Brussels

    As the Vatican prepares today for the imminent removal of Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope Francis”, from his office, two Direct Action Units (DAU’s) of trained security personnel have been dispatched by the Court to Rome and London. Their purpose will be to assist in the apprehending of known child killers associated with the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult, including Bergoglio himself.

    “We are relying on local common law activists and the public to assist us in stopping these killers before they can harm any more children” announced a DAU commander attached to the Court.

    “We have a list of nineteen top catholic and anglican church officers, including three Jesuits, who have participated in these ritual murders during the past year. Our orders are to stop them by any means necessary.”

    The London DAU will take measures to halt upcoming sacrificial killings at Carnarvon castle in Wales and Balmoral castle in Scotland involving “royal family” members.

    In Canada, DAU members are preparing for a similar action at Marie Reine du Monde cathedral in Montreal, where a major Ninth Circle conclave will be held on August 15.

    This action will be accompanied by the proclamation of a sovereign Republic in Canada this autumn by patriots in Winnipeg. The Republic will provide the constitutional basis for the common law courts that are convening across Canada to convict child killers in both church and state.

    “Crown and canon law are fraudulent and criminal systems, and so they are inoperative now in our country. We need the rule of law restored” said Colin Sullivan, a member of the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata.

    “So we remind every cop, politician and judge in Canada that their oath to that convicted child killer, Queen Elizabeth, is officially null and void, and so they must stand down from their offices. Now they, and every true patriot, can be part of a genuine and lawful nation.”

    Groups in eight Canadian provinces and in five indigenous nations are electing delegates to attend the Republic’s founding Convention, in Winnipeg from October 27-31, 2014. Information can be sought at .

    A global broadcast of these and other historic developments, including the DAU actions in Rome and London, will be posted on July 10 (Jubilee Day) at .

    Issued by ITCCS Central

    29 June, 2014 ,

    theunhivedmind says:

    July 4, 2014 at 10:31 pm

    Common Law Militias to shut down child sacrificial rituals: Instructions for all Direct Action Units

    Posted on June 25, 2014

    Instructions for Direct Action Units (DAU’s) of the International Common Law Court of Justice

    The urgent need to stop the ritual slaughter, rape and trafficking of children, and the refusal of regular police to do so, has compelled the Court to issue a call for a citizens’ militia to halt these crimes. Rituals of the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult scheduled for August 15 at Catholic cathedrals in Montreal and Dublin will be stopped by special Direct Action Units (DAU’s).

    The Direct Action Units were mandated by an order of the Court dated June 1, 2014. That mandate reads in part,

    “The DAU’s are citizen-based militias whose purpose is:

    1. To protect the children of their communities by identifying, arresting and prosecuting child rapists and murderers, and those who aid them, and by permanently banishing such criminals from their communities;

    2. To train and mobilize the community to defend itself against threats to their liberty and well being, including by establishing a grass roots intelligence network;

    3. To occupy and seize the property and assets of criminal organizations and felons convicted by the Common Law courts;

    4. To provide security and protection to the Common Law courts and their officers, and

    5. To initiate any other direct actions needed to protect the innocent and the liberties of the people.”

    The DAU’s are established by the formation of three or more men or women in a community into a Unit. Each Unit has an elected Commander who overseas the DAU and liaisons with the Central Office. Unlike Court Sheriffs, DAU members require no special training or accreditation, since they are in effect a posse or militia whose purpose is to identify and stop threats to children and the community at large. But the DAU’s will be guided and overseen by trained and professional security personnel.

    The DAU’s are in effect the eyes and the arms of the people, watching over and guarding them. As guardians, they monitor crimes, investigate those responsible, and take direct measures to stop them.

    The DAU’s are accountable only to the people and to their common law courts, and not to the existing police, de facto courts or governments. They act in unison with the common law courts and sheriffs as their auxiliary arm and militia.

    DAU’s now exist in over forty communities in Canada, the USA, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Australia. For more information and to join or form a DAU, contact .

    Issued by The International Common Law Court of Justice – Prosecutor’s Office

    25 June, 2014