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Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 12:31:52 AM

Subject: Re: Oral argument in a test case on holding a judge liable for disregarding the law and the facts and causing a pro se injury in fact

There is a dangerous misunderstanding of the term “sovereign citizen” and I am surprised at Mr. Ferran’s ignorant misuse of it.  ”Sovereign Citizen” however styled is an oxymoron, as one cannot be both a “sovereign” of any kind and at the same time a “citizen”.  His own ignorance of the Law— the actual Law as opposed to the private “law” he evidently practices—is showing.  Dave Comcast is not and has never been a “Sovereign Citizen”—- he is a peaceful inhabitant of the Continental United States claiming his birthright and objecting to the abuse of Protected Persons by the Federal United States and the numerous “governmental services corporations” being operated by international banking cartels as if they were our lawful government. 

The essence of the fraud and criminality can be reduced down to press-ganging, personage, barratry, and inland piracy being practiced by the corporate officers and employees of foreign governments acting in violation of their charters and the treaties allowing their operations on the land of the Continental United States. These are for the most part capital crimes committed by Members of the Bar Associations, the British Government, the Government of the Westminster City State, the Lord Mayor of London, the Lords of the Admiralty, ELIZABETH II, the “United States Congress” and “UNITED STATES CONGRESS” and others who are in flagrant Breach of Trust, Commercial Contract, and International Treaties establishing and separating the land and sea jurisdictions owed to the United Colonies of America. 
I suggest gentlemen that we cut the crap. 
The fraud in its entirety is know.  The criminality and the perpetrators —- are all known.  There is no escape.  There is no redemption except a thorough repentance, confession of error, and immediate action to correct.  Dr. Cordero is exactly right and Mark R. Ferran is either a dupe or a perpetrator seeking to villify the victims of crimes so as to avoid his own culpability for their mischaracterization and the identity theft and personage being routinely practiced against the peaceful inhabitants of the Continental United States. 
Both inland piracy and press-ganging have been outlawed for 200 years.  Both carry a range of penalties up to and including capital punishment.  Likewise, violation of the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949, Volume II, Article 3 — the mischaracterization of identity or nationality of civilians — is a death penalty offense. 
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