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Ranching Family Declared Terrorists, Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison

Amon Bundy

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FW:  Dec. 26, 2015

Our Dear Friends,
Please read the letter (below) that our family has issued to Aware Citizens and Government Officials.
The Hammond family has been battered and abused by the federal government for over a decade. Now they have been declared as "terrorist" and sentenced to 5 years in prison. For what?...for claiming their water rights and using their ranch.
The father and son already spent unjust months in federal prison, now the 9th District Court "resentenced" them (double jeopardy) to 5 years, due to being "terrorist". The federal attorneys and courts have been deceitful and full of corruption. They raided their homes taking the evidence needed to defend them selves, took their guns, and threatening the family physically if they continue to legally resist them. This is a tremendous injustice that the American people must not allow!
The Bundy family is determined to do what ever it takes to assist this good American family so they do not have to suffer unjust further punishments.
We will be sending an outline of the facts with in a day or two. Please stay informed about the Hammond Family and be prepared to act according to the prompting the Lord gives you.
Please forward this email to as many friends and family as possible.  We need to build awareness so that this injustice can be corrected.  Without your help we cannot right this wrong.
Thank You,
Ammon Bundy
Our Dear Friends,
Please read the letter (below) that our family has issued to Aware Citizens and Government Officials.
The Hammond family has been battered and abused by the federal government for over a decade. Now they have been declared as "terrorist" and sentenced to 5 years in prison. For what?...for claiming their water rights and using their ranch.
The father and son already spent unjust months in federal prison, now the 9th District Court "resentenced" them (double jeopardy) to 5 years, due to being "terrorist". The federal attorneys and courts have been deceitful and full of corruption. They raided their homes taking the evidence needed to defend them selves, took their guns, and threatening the family physically if they continue to legally resist them. This is a tremendous injustice that the American people must not allow!
The Bundy family is determined to do what ever it takes to assist this good American family so they do not have to suffer unjust further punishments.
We will be sending an outline of the facts with in a day or two. Please stay informed about the Hammond Family and be prepared to act according to the prompting the Lord gives you.
Please forward this email to as many friends and family as possible.  We need to build awareness so that this injustice can be corrected.  Without your help we cannot right this wrong.
Thank You,
Ammon Bundy