On February 16, Nathan Lewin, Washington-based US Supreme Court attorney mourned the death of so-called “Italian Catholic” Justice Antonin (Nino) Scalia, 79, at the Jewish Journal, saying: “When there was no Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, Justice Scalia told me, he considered himself the Jewish justice.”
“Scalia’s admiration for Jews and Jewish learning explains the frequent references in his opinions to the Talmud and other Jewish sources, and the significant number of Orthodox Jewish law clerks he hired,” Lewin added.
The death of Scalia leaves only four Jewish judges including two lesbians (Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, both appointed by Barack Obama).
Scott Rasmussen (Jewish) founder of Rasmussen Report in a latest survey of 1,000 Americans out of 310 million population, released of February 17, 2016 claimed that ‘majority of Americans’ want Obama to leave appointment of replacement of Scalia to the next president, who he predicts would be Republican. Rasmussen also claimed that if Hillary Clinton becomes the next president, she intends to appoint Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.
Israeli stooges Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio said Obama has no right to nominate Scalia successor. Anti-Muslim Ben Carson has asked Senate to block Obama’s nomination.
Obama has insisted that he intends to nominate replacement to Scalia in due time. He said that history will never forgive him if he leave that decision to the next president because that would leave the seat vacant for one year.
On February 15, Michael Hoffman, a Christian scholar of Jewish religion, called Justice Scalia an enforcer of Jewish and Israeli interest via his position at country’s highest court of law.
“The Strict constructionist, Scalia never mentioned that the bane of our judiciary – the making of law not by legislature, but by judicial decision – is derived from halacha (Jewish Shari’ah). How was the abominable crime of conferring marriage upon homosexuals made the law of the land? It was made by a Supreme court engaged in legislating through judicial decision – the hallmark of halachic method of law-making. Few would deny that Scalia was brilliant, yet this brilliant jurist never alerted the American people to the rotten rabbinic root of judiciary process that rendered gay marriage the law of the land. How could he, when he endorsed and participated in the training of a generation of American lawyers in halacha?,” Hoffman said.
“No aspect of (Islamic) Shari’ah law has had any effect on America anywhere near comparable to the impact of halachic on our nation, and yet all we hear from the likes of Franklin Graham, Ted Cruz and millions of right-wing evangelical parrots is Shari’ah, Shari’ah, Shari’ah. Trained seals think more clearly than this benighted bunch,” Hoffman added (here).
Donald Trump told Michael Savage’s (Zionist Jew) show, The Savage Nation, that Scalia death doesn’t seem to be due to natural causes, and therefore, needs an “equivalent of Warren Commission” -style investigation into Scalia’s death.
On Wednesday, the White House confirmed that Barack Obama will not attend Scalia’s funeral on Saturday because he has other plans on that day including golfing. However, vice-president Joe Biden, a ‘Jewish Gentile’ himself (his son and daughter are both married into rich Zionist Jewish families) will attend the funeral.
Scalia died on Saturday at a 30,000 acres luxury ranch owned by billionaire John Poindexter. He was an all-expense paid guest of Poindexter’s hunting party.