Dear Concerned American Citizen,
It was one of the most ridiculous "photo ops" of his or any presidency. Late Friday, the media was given the opportunity to photograph and videotape the "Divider-in-Chief" as he carried a large binder of information on possible Supreme Court nominees from the West Wing into the White House. Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the President would "spend a significant portion of his weekend digging into those materials."
With the Senate returning from recess today, the political battle over Scalia's replacement is heating up. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says he will block any Obama Supreme Court nominee. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is accusing Republicans of engaging in "a full-blown effort to delegitimize President Barack Obama, the presidency, and undermine our basic system of checks and balances." So, Grassfire wants to know what you think.
On Thursday, we will hand-deliver "Supreme Court Quick Poll" results to McConnell's office and to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. That committee will decide which, if any, Obama nominees will advance to the Senate floor for a confirmation vote. [30,000 plus votes is not enough to make the kind of impact that is needed here. Your participation is essential if we are to reach our goal of 500,000 votes.] Please take a second to click one of the options below, so you can be represented in this week's important delivery on Capitol Hill.
Click here to vote "NO!" to blocking the President's Supreme Court nominees.
Again, a YES! vote indicates you want the open seat on the High Court left empty for the next president. A NO! vote says you want the Supreme Court vacancy filled as soon as possible by Mr. Obama.
Thanks, in advance, for taking action.
The Grassfire Team
Please note: Grassfire's "Quick Polls" are unscientific and for informational purposes only. They are NOT an endorsement of any candidate or position.