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Exclusive, explosive reports from the patriot

Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,

operating on American soil for over 200 years



ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside

American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL

reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the

corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly

propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions


Protect and defend  YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,

the Supreme Law of the United States


Sunday   June 5, 2016


A Call for Resistance From Our Founding Fathers

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert



UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the Second American Revolution will continue and escalate.


We, the American People, find these truths to be self evident so let us proceed with the immediate decapitation of the Bush-Clinton-Obama-CIA-NSA Crime Family Syndicate.


P.S.  We can now divulge that the FBI and Director James Comey have made fifteen (15) criminal referrals to the Obama Justice Department calling for the immediate indictment of Hillary and Bill Clinton, as well as Hillary’s aide attorney Cheryl Mills and Hillary’s lesbian lover Huma Abedin.


We can also report that FBI Director Comey has singled out the Washington Post and its scumbag editor ‘Book and Snake’ Bob Woodward for engaging in criminal blackmail and threats against agents of the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors.


Woodward is using CIA and Israeli Mossad assets to engage in a spy operation against the FBI for the purpose of obstruction of justice in the matter of Hillary Clinton’s emails.


Note:  The Russian Federation now has electronic evidence and intercepts fingering bitch Woodward for making death threats against FBI Director Comey.


Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will detail the latest Clinton scandal involving Laureate University in New York state in which CIA-Bush Crime Family stooge, pedophile Bill Clinton, receiving $16 MILLION aka a bribe for being honorary chancellor of this shell college.


In closing, the Obama Justice Department has new ‘smoking gun’ evidence proving that year 2000 illegal occupant junior George W. BushFRAUD blatantly stole the state of Missouri in the year 2000 presidential election aka a coupd'état against the American People with an electronic glitch that disabled the Voters News Service and wiped out 90,000 African-American votes from St. Louis, Missouri that had originally been tabulated as votes for then Vice President, now duly elected year 2000 natural born President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee.


At this hour, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin continues to download.


Founding Fathers: We Warned You



. . .




Founders understood the importance of honest money and tried to protect our money from the bankers.


A review of this nation’s economic history reveals that bankers, in concert with traitors in Congress, gained control of the money system, set up private “national” banks, began implementing its mechanisms of usury and were then taken down.




Andrew Jackson, our 7th president (1829-1837) brought the nation to within about $32,000 of solvency after decommissioning “The Second Bank of the United States (1818-1836)” and restoring Congressional control of our money.


It took the bankers 70 years to buy their way back into Congress to control the creation and issuance of Americans’ money. The Federal Reserve was commissioned in 1913 through a series of corrupt manipulations by key members of Congress in cahoots with the Robber Barons.


Since that time, the purchasing power of the dollar has been in steady decline, the hard assets of the nation have been in transition to the bankers and the governments are increasingly indebted to the unelected, international cabal of private bankers Congress commissioned to manage the U.S. money system.


The purpose of this page is not to explain in detail the process whereby we have arrived at the edge of financial collapse but to prove the following point: That members of Congress, past and present, either know that one of its important functions is to protect Americans’ money from the international bankers or they are not qualified to represent our interests in government. That means, at this fundamental level, every sitting member of Congress is either a traitor or an ignoramus. We know of only one exception.


For a further education on the Federal Reserve System and how our economy truly works, here are a series of short videos that can help you: Audio and Video


Thomas Jefferson on coin and paper currency:


“Specie [gold and silver coin] is the most perfect medium because it will preserve its own level; because, having intrinsic and universal value, it can never die in our hands, and it is the surest resource of reliance in time of war.” ~Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 1813


“Paper is poverty,… it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”~Letter to Edward Carrington, 1788


“Experience has proved to us that a dollar of silver disappears for every dollar of paper emitted.” ~Letter to James Monroe, 1791


“It is a [disputed] question, whether the circulation of paper, rather than of specie [gold and silver coin], is a good or an evil… I believe it to be one of those cases where mercantile clamor will bear down reason, until it is corrected by ruin.” ~Letter to John W. Eppes, 1813


Specie [gold and silver coin] as a National Resource. “In such a nation [as ours], there is one and one only resource for loans, sufficient to carry them through the expense of a war; and that will always be sufficient, and in the power of an honest government, punctual in the preservation of its faith. The fund I mean, is the mass of circulating coin. Everyone knows, that although not literally, it is nearly true, that every paper dollar emitted banishes a silver one from the circulation. A nation, therefore, making its purchases and payments with bills fitted for circulation, thrusts an equal sum of coin out of circulation. This is equivalent to borrowing that sum, and yet the vendor receiving payment in a medium as effectual as coin for his purchases or payments, has no claim to interest. And so the nation may continue to issue its bills as far as its wants require, and the limits of the circulation will admit… But this, the only resource which the government could command with certainty, the States have unfortunately fooled away, nay corruptly alienated to swindlers and shavers, under the cover of private banks.” ~Letter to John W. Eppes, 1813


Dangers of Paper Money. “That paper money has some advantages is admitted. But that its abuses also are inevitable and, by breaking up the measure of value, makes a lottery of all private property, cannot be denied.” ~Letter to Josephus B. Stuart, 1817


“The trifling economy of paper, as a cheaper medium, or its convenience for transmission, weighs nothing in opposition to the advantages of the precious metals… it is liable to be abused, has been, is, and forever will be abused, in every country in which it is permitted.” ~Letter to John W. Eppes, 1813


“Scenes are now to take place as will open the eyes of credulity and of insanity itself, to the dangers of a paper medium abandoned to the discretion of avarice and of swindlers.” ~Letter to Thomas Cooper, 1814


“Private fortunes, in the present state of our circulation, are at the mercy of those self-created money lenders, and are prostrated by the floods of nominal money with which their avarice deluges us.” ~Letter to John W. Eppes, 1813


“It is a cruel thought, that, when we feel ourselves standing on the firmest ground in every respect, the cursed arts of our secret enemies, combining with other causes, should effect, by depreciating our money, what the open arms of a powerful enemy could not.” ~Letter to Richard Henry Lee, 1779


“Our public credit is good, but the abundance of paper has produced a spirit of gambling in the funds, which has laid up our ships at the wharves as too slow instruments of profit, and has even disarmed the hand of the tailor of his needle and thimble. They say the evil will cure itself. I wish it may; but I have rarely seen a gamester cured, even by the disasters of his vocation.” ~Letter to Gouverneur Morris, 1791


“All the capital employed in paper speculation is barren and useless, producing, like that on a gaming table, no accession to itself, and is withdrawn from commerce and agriculture where it would have produced addition to the common mass… It nourishes in our citizens habits of vice and idleness instead of industry and morality… It has furnished effectual means of corrupting such a portion of the legislature as turns the balance between the honest voters whichever way it is directed.” ~Letter to George Washington, 1792


“I sincerely believe… that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” ~Letter to John Taylor, 1816


“[The] Bank of the United States… is one of the most deadly hostility existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution… An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries.” ~Letter to Albert Gallatin, 1803


Meeting the Banking Problem. “The monopoly of a single bank is certainly an evil. The multiplication of them was intended to cure it; but it multiplied an influence of the same character with the first, and completed the supplanting the precious metals by a paper circulation. Between such parties the less we meddle the better.” ~Letter to Albert Gallatin, 1802


“The system of banking have…[for]ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction, which is already hit by the gamblers in corruption, and is sweeping away in its progress the fortunes and morals of our citizens.”~Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816

. . .

DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.

awaits inauguration, our U.S. Constitution that is

the Supreme Law of the United States demands it!

As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and


Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,

U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,

natural born REAL President of the United States.



Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law




* * *  NAZI Paperclip NSA/DHS are hacking this email account, deleting text, changing the font size of text, deleting url links, deleting images, delete image source, moving text on the page, deleting the excerpt of the Declaration of Independence, deleted Tom Heneghan's outing of who Al Qaeda really is, deleted Benjamin Franklin's quote and continue to delete Al Gore at the end of the email